Ch. 7: Ambush

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    Skye and Mon-El landed at the docks and Skye immediately started charging for the warehouse door. She was eager to take down these goons.

"Hey, maybe we should wait until we're sure it's safe." Mon-El told her, not wanting to see her injure herself anymore.

"These guys need to be taken down as soon as possible." Skye snapped at him. Skye was about to kick the door down but she was interrupted by her aunt on the comms,

"Supernova hold your position." Alex ordered, "We need to be sure they don't have any Kryptonite on hand."

"They don't." Skye said.

"How do you know that?" Mon-El asked.

"X-ray vision." she said, annoyed. Mon-El figured, Skye clearly had inherited her mother's powers. Mon-El then noticed Skye had punched the door and was making her way into the warehouse.

"Hey, what are you doing? Alex told us to wait."

"She also said we had to figure out how much Kryptonite they had on hand. They have none. If you want to follow orders, go ahead." Skye said walking into the warehouse.

"Supernova, wait." Mon-El said, following her. They both walked into the dark warehouse. Silence surrounded them. Something wasn't right.

"Alex, we're in." Skye said. Nobody answered our the comms, just static. "Alex, can you hear me?" Skye repeated, "The comms are down." Skye and Mon-El looked around but didn't see anything. "Maybe Stevens didn't give us the right warehouse." Skye inferred. Mon-El was not paying attention. He noticed a table that looked like for a patient and next to it; tools for a doctor. Immediately, Mon-El knew where they were. "They must've cleared out." Skye guessed.

"No." Mon-El interjected.


"It's an ambush." he yelled. The lights came up and they were surrounded by men in black uniforms. Skye charged and started knocking them out one by one. Mon-El followed her lead. As they were fighting, he heard a gun shot. Mon-El turned around to see Skye on the ground with a dart in her neck. He rushed to her and moved to pick her up until he felt something sink into his neck. Mon-El immediately became dizzy and fell to the ground next to Skye. The last thing he saw was his unconscious daughter and everything went black.

A/N: Hi readers!!! Hope you all had an amazing holidays. 2019 is almost here. 663 readers is amazing! I never expected my story to get this far. So thanks to all of you for reading my story. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Tell me what you think! I really enjoy hearing your thoughts, Whether it is compliments or criticism. I have recently started a OUAT fan-fiction, for any Oncers out there. Check out OPERATION: Apple Tree. Again thanks to all for reading, commenting and voting for my story.

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