Ch.19: Betrayal

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The day after Kara's return, Skye and Alex were with her in physical therapy with her. Thanks to the yellow sun lamps, Kara was healing very fast. Kara sat down on the bench as Mon-El, Winn, and Brainy walked into the room.

"Hey buddy. How you doing?" Winn said with a playful grin on his face. Kara smiled as she took another gulp of water.

"Much better. Thanks Winn." They all smiled at the quick progress that Kara had made.

"It is really good to have you back, Supergirl." Brainy said, "And I hate to bring this up so soon, but do you have any recollection of what happened when you were captive?" Kara sighed as Skye sat down next to her.

"Most of it was the same for the first couple of years. They mainly kept me captive in a cell that was overloaded with kryptonite. I never saw the leader's face." Mon-El sighed, "But something was different about 2 months ago. They said they have the final ingredient for a weapon they're making. They said they had the blood of an infusion of aliens."

"2 months?" Skye confirmed, "That was around the time Dad and I were kidnapped."

"They must've taken your blood when you were knocked out, knowing that you were a hybrid." Mon-El realised.

"Well, if it's a weapon they're making. Then, maybe I can find it by tracking Skye's DNA signature throughout the city." Winn said as he left the room.

"Get to it. Brainy, he may need some help." Alex ordered. Brainy followed swiftly. "Let's get you back to bed." Alex said as she helped Kara up. The sisters left the room and Skye and Mon-El were left alone.

"I'm so happy to have her back." Skye said. She turned to her Dad to see him with an uncertain look on his face. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Yeah. It's just..." Mon-El hesitated, "Whoever has done this to her is someone we trust. They could be standing right in front of us and we don't even know it. And all of this started when my ship had a malfunction and landed in the wrong time." Before Skye could comment, J'ohn came in the room.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Mon-El you have a visitor." J'ohn said. Skye and Mon-El looked at each other confused before they followed J'ohn. Once they asked outside, there standing on the DEO balcony was Imra Ardeen. Mon-El sighed in relief as they saw each other and hugged.

"Imra. Hi." Mon-El greeted as they ceased the hug.

"Hello Mon-El. It's good to see you." Imra said.

"You too. Why are you here?" he asked.

"I wanted to see how you were holding up." Imra said.

"Actually, a lot has happened." Mon-El turned so Imra could see Skye standing politely aside. "Imra, this is my daughter, Skye. Skye, this is Imra Ardeen. Co-founder of the Legion of Superheroes." The two women greeted each other and shook hands.

"I heard from Mon-El's messages about you. It is such an honor." Imra complimented. Skye blushed as an alarm went off in the DEO. The heroes rushed to the controls as Winn was panicking.

"Uncle Winn, what's going on?" Skye exclaimed.

"Okay, I just found a DNA match to your blood, and it's at an Giant Alien Warcraft right above National City." Winn panicked.

"Aliens have it?" Skye stood shocked as Kara came down the stairs.

"What's happening?" Kara asked.

"An alien Warcraft is above National City. It's targeting a lot of civilians with it's weapon system." Brainy informed.

"We have to get out there." Kara stated.

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