Chapter 13: Dad

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    Alex didn't know what happened. One minute, she was looking over old files, the next, she gets an emergency call from the Med Bay. She immediately ran to the Med Bay to find Mon-El thrashing in his bed. There were several team members trying to hold him down but he kept thrashing around. Alex immediately called Skye and as soon as she hung up, Alex went to work on calming Mon-El. Skye came dashing into the room in her normal clothes. She looked at Mon-El and she felt like her heart stopped.

"What's wrong with him?" Skye asked, coming up to the side of his bed. Alex came up to the other side of the bed and tried to hold him down.

"I don't know." Alex admitted. Mon-El grunted in pain as he kept tossing and turning in his bed. Alex noticed that there was blood on his bed from his wound. "Oh no." Alex got another team member to hold him down and Alex rolled up his shirt. What she saw terrified her. There were dark grey lines running up from his wound and crawling up his chest like a virus. Skye saw the lines and her eyes widened as tears broke through her eyes and fell down her cheeks. Alex grabbed a sedative and injected it into Mon-El's arm. He started taking deeper and slower breaths and settled back into his bed. Alex and Skye took a breath of relief. Alex dismissed the rest of the team and told one of them to find J'ohn. As Mon-El slept, Alex and Skye looked at each other with nothing but worry in their eyes. Skye just got her dad back and she couldn't bear to lose him another time. Skye prayed to Rao that her father would be okay.


    "So it turns out, when Mon-El was shot, several pieces of lead from the bullet broke off and are still in his bloodstream. They are currently on a path straight for his heart." Alex informed the group. Her, J'ohn, Brainy, Winn and Skye were all in the Med Bay getting a briefing on Mon-El's condition. Skye placed her face in her hands as Alex spoke. She couldn't believe that this was happening all over again. "If the shrapnel isn't removed soon... he'll die in 2 hours. Max." Skye let out a sob as she learned of her father's condition. Skye then thought of something that could save him.

"Could a blood transfusion save him?" Skye asked. Everyone in the room turned to her.

"Yes, your blood type matches his, the new blood will wash the lead out of him." Alex said, perking up.

"That will not work." Brainy butted in. Alex and Skye turned on Brainy.

"Why not?" Skye exclaimed.

"Because your blood is only half of my mine." Everyone turned to see Mon-El awake in his bed. Skye rushed to his bedside and grabbed his hand. "You're half Daxamite. Your Kryptonian genes will be incompatible with mine." he said.

"We'll only be endangering you even more." Alex said.

"Exactly." Skye sighed, but then she realised something of her dad's words.

"Did-did you know that the lead was still in you?" she asked him. Mon-El looked his daughter in the eyes and Skye could see one thing; regret. "Why-why didn't you say anything?"

"I didn't want you to worry." Mon-El said. Skye released Mon-El's hand and started crying as she ran out of the room. "Skye-" Mon-El started but he was interrupted by a grunt of pain as he tried to get up. Alex went to him and tried to help him relax as she told him to concentrate on his breathing, but all Mon-El could focus on was his daughter running out of the room crying.


Skye sat in the conference room, in tears, thinking about what has transpired over the past day. It has only been almost 2 days since her father had come back and he already has got her into tears several times. She reached into the pocket of her jacket and pulled out something she hadn't touched in a long time. Her father's Legion Ring.

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