Ch. 6: Getting Deeper

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All DEO agents were on high alert. Alex was barking orders at everyone. She was determined to figure out how these mediocre bank robbers got their hands on Kryptonite; the one thing that could kill her niece with just enough exposure. Alex stared at her niece with nothing but grave concern. The bullet was out but she knew Skye's shoulder was still healing. She just hoped Skye wouldn't rush back out there and hurt herself even more. With her niece's life on the line, Alex knew it was time to interrogate the shooter.

16 years ago...

It had been four months since Kara announced she was pregnant and Alex had been doing everything she could to help Kara get through it. She arrived at her sister's loft and unlocked the door. Ever since the 9 months started Kara gave Alex a key so she could come right into the loft. Alex set the groceries on the table as Kara walked out of the bedroom. With 4 months of pregnancy in, a small bump was starting to form for Kara.

"Okay, so I got saltines, salad, apples, and..." Before Alex could continue she noticed that Kara was in tears. "Kara what's wrong?" she asked.

"Alex, I'm scared." Kara said.

"Big bad Kara, scared? That's a shocker." she said lightheartedly, trying to ease Kara's nerve.

"No, I'm serious. What if I'm a horrible mother? I don't know if I can give this shield what it deserves."

"Kara, I couldn't think of anyone else fitting to be a mother." Alex reassured her.

"Really? Because I can't help feeling like I have already failed. Mon-El doesn't know that I am pregnant therefore I can't give this child a father. Knowing you have both of your parents is the first thing a child should have." Kara argued. She felt like the world's worst mother and her child wasn't even born yet. Kara sopped onto the couch crying. Alex put herself next to her sister and wrapped her arms around her.

"Kara- this kid will be the luckiest out there because you will be their mother. You are the most selfless person I know. You will be able to teach them how to be good. And whenever you need it J'ohn, Mom, Alura, Clark, or me will be there. So I promise you, I got your back and I'll have this kid's back too." Alex reassured her placing a hand on her stomach. Kara looked at her sister with a grin of gratitude.

"Thanks Alex." The two sisters hugged and hanged on io this moment, as if they were frozen in time.


Alex's head snapped to see J'ohn and Skye standing next to her, outside of the room where the kryptonite shooter was waiting.

"You okay?" Skye asked, concerned.

"Yeah, let's do this." Alex answered, walking into the room. J'ohn sat in front of the robber who was handcuffed to the table. Skye stood behind the robber as Alex made her position behind J'ohn.

 Skye stood behind the robber as Alex made her position behind J'ohn

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"Who are you?" Alex asked him.

"Why should I tell you anything?" the robber said.

"Because even if you don't tell us anything, our databases will find out everything we need to know." she retorted.

"Wha's your name?" Skye asked, knowing her aunt's threat would do just the thing. The suspect was now showing unrelenting fear in his eyes.

"Bradley Stevens." he stated.

"How did you get your hands on Kryptonite?" J'ohn asked.


"What was in your gun that you shot me with." Skye stated.

"Is that what that was?" he said, looking confused. Alex slammed her fists on the table and the suspect jumped.

"Where did you get it?" Alex yelled. "Who gave it to you?"

"I don't know. I never found out their name." the suspect blurted out, "All I did was pay them when I picked it up."


"An old warehouse by the docks." he said, terrified of his interrogators. There was a moment of silence because Alex and Skye knew that J'ohn was reading his mind. J'ohn soon up and left the room, closely followed by Skye and Alex.

"So?" Skye asked.

"He's telling the truth." J'ohn said as they walked in to the control center.

"Run a search on all abandoned buildings by the docks and look for any activity." Alex ordered. Several DEO agents typed furiously on their computers.

"I found something." Brainy said, moving what was on his tablet to the monitor. "This warehouse, 6.7 miles away, and several heat signatures detected." he informed them.

"Let's go." Skye said, walking out but Alex stopped her.

"No, you're not going alone. We don't know how much kryptonite they have and we still don't know who they are." Alex said.

"J'ohn can't come because he needs to be here and so do you. We only have one bulletproof superhero." Skye said, agitated.

"Actually you have two."

Alex and Skye turned around to see Mon-El in his Legion uniform. Alex had never been more happy to see Mon-El in her life.

"I don't need backup." Skye spat at him.

"Yes, you do." Alex told her, "Kryptonite doesn't affect him and you will be a lot safer." she said, supporting Mon-El. Skye looked back and forth between Mon-El and her aunt.

"Fine, he can come!" Skye blurted, "Just try and keep up." she said as she past Mon-El.

"Noted." he said as he silently thanked Alex. Alex smiled as she watched Mon-El follow Skye out of the DEO. Winn then appeared as they were leaving.

"I'm here to help too." he said, "As long as I won't get blasted this time." Winn said crunching himself up.

"I'm sorry about that" Alex said as she hugged him. As Mon-El and Skye were walking out, Mon-El asked her,

"By the way, what's your superhero name? So I know what to call you." Skye turned around,

"Supernova." Skye then flew out the window and Mon-El flew up and followed his daughter.

A/N: Hi readers! Sorry about the late update! I've been busy. I am so happy that so many people have read my story and I hope you all keep on enjoying it. This chapter will hopefully make up for my late update. Please comment! I love to hear feedback! Thank you to everyone who has added my story to their reading lists. 438 reads is not what I was expecting. Thank You! I #spreadthelove to all my readers! -ShineBright03

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