Part 23 In the printer room

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The door opens

"Beta how are you" says Manish .

"fine thanks mamaji" she replies, coming into the house.

"I hope my son isn't working you too hard" 'yes Kartik isn't home this will easy' her mind reflects at the relief.

"no it's fine.. she nods in agreement. "By the way very impressed with your article you wrote for our company, you really are an excellent writer"

"oh thank you so much mamaji" she replies the article was written a few weeks back, why is he mentioning it now.. either way it was nice to be complimented for her skills.

"yes" he said scratching the side of his head "infact how would you feel writing more often, in your own time of course I know you are full time with your job in the company. "oh" this takes her by surprise.

"yeah I guess. I would really like that"

"great, we are thinking of putting together a column in the papers monthly and with your writing style it will really benefit the company. Naira smiles as they talk and walk into the hall way.

"I will have Kartik talk you through it next week. 'why Kartik' she thought but didn't say anything. "that will be great" she replies.

"he is around here somewhere." He says looking around.

"Shaguna get Kartik"

"no its fine.. I have to leave now.. she did not want to see him right now.

"beta he won't be long take a seat. So she does so reluctantly.

"yeah dad what's up?" he says rubbing his eyes. She turned to him.

"still asleep? Seriously Kartik when will you take life seriously!" his dad yells. He stops once he sees Naira ' what is she doing here?!'

"Anyway Naira is here, explain to her about the articles I was talking to you about yesterday"

"(tut) dad, it's a work thing we can chat on Monday, its no emergency" he says lazily.

"Kartik! Do as you are told!" Kartik jumped at his tone of voice, even Naira notices it.

"Yeah Naira if you have a minute then, I can tell you"

"ok" she replies. ' she wasn't talking with him but she didn't want his dad to get him in trouble again'

"good, I will just be back leave you both to it" he leaves them alone. "the articles need to be like your previous one but different" he says walking up to her. She wasn't paying attention her mind is on what just happened now. "and that's about it"

"how are you?" she says out of the blue.

"tired, now if your done then I'm going back to .." he saw his dad come back.

"Explained everything?" Kartik nods "yep"

"yeah it's clear I will get going now, actually I came by to give you this" she pulls out the invite. Manish looks at the invite.

"Salil's birthday party, ah yes Savitri was saying on the phone the other day"

"yeah she wanted me to personally deliver to you and Kartik"

"thank you we will surely be there. he says looking at his son.

"yeah we will" he echoes his dad's answer.

"ok I will see you tomorrow then" Naira couldn't shake this mood Kartik is in, he didn't seem himself, but she didn't want to ask him either so she makes her way to the door. "N listen." he calls.. "wear a nice outfit something lilac" he says in a hoarsely tone, she turns on her heel. "You know for Salil" he says winking at her. He looks too cute in those denim jeans and tracksuit top.

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