{4} Morning After

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I woke up with a throbbing headache, and the sun shining through the blinds definitely didn't help. I roll over and look at my surroundings. I'm not in my own bed. I don't know where I am. I get out of bed and instantly become cold. I look down and I'm wearing nothing but my bra and underwear. I don't remember what Halle was but I really hope I didn't sleep with anyone.


I jump at the sound of someone's voice. I turn around and see Bellamy. He's shirtless with a pair of basketball shorts on. His hair is a mess, which makes me think he just woke up. I quickly remember that I'm wearing nothing but my bra and underwear and run back in bed to cover myself up.

"What happened last night?" I quietly ask. Part of me was scared Bellamy did something to me. But the other part told me the opposite. The way he was looking at me wasn't like he did the first time I met him. It almost looked like he cared.

"Where do you want me to start?" He asks

I think back to the last thing I remember. He picks me up off the ground of Finn drops me and tells me it will all be okay. "Start at the part after you picked me off the ground."

"Is that the last thing you remember?"

I nod

"Okay I'll start there." He takes a break and then he continues. "After that I brought you up to my bed room and laid you down on my bed to go to sleep. Just as I was about to leave you asked me to stay. You told me you didn't want to be alone cause you were scared. I laid down on the bed next to you, on top of the covers. I didn't go to sleep because I was going to leave before you woke up so you didn't think something happened."

That was a lot to process, but one thing still had me confused. "Where did my clothes go?"

"After I laid you down on the bed you threw up on yourself. I took your clothes off and went to put them in the laundry and get you a new pair of pajamas. But by the time I got back you were curled up in bed asleep. You had been through a lot I didn't want to wake you."

"That's a lot to process." I mumble

"I'm gonna go make breakfast. Here's a clean outfit of mine to put on. Meet me downstairs."

"Wait. Bellamy.."

I have a couple pre written chapters, but after I publish those I'm gonna make longer chapters.

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