{6} The dress

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It's been 2 weeks since the morning Bellamy ran out on me. I still couldn't stop thinking about him and how good he looked. I knew for my sanity, and sake of mine and Octavia's friendship, I had to completely forget about him. I've seen him in the halls and he doesn't even turn and look at me. I've been to 2 of his party's this week and he didn't say anything to me. It irritated me more than I should have.

"Okay guys, what about this?" I ask coming out of the dressing room.

Me, Octavia and Raven we're getting dresses to go to another party tonight. I wanted something sexy, but not to revealing. I had played it pretty safe with my dresses the past few party's and I was ready to change that.

"That's the dress Clarke. Oh my god that's definitely the dress." (Dress above)

"If I was gay, is totally fuck you." Raven says

"I love this one. I think I look hot." I smile

I buy the dress and we go home. Octavia and Raven has already bought their dresses so they didn't need one.

I was really excited for this party. I was fed up with Bellamy ignoring me, but I came to terms with the fact that he isn't worth my time. I just wanted to show him what he was missing. Okay so maybe I hadn't given up completely on him. Tonight I was going to ask him why he did what he did and why he's been ignoring me. So, I haven't given up in him at all I, for some stupid reason, I have hope that he'll actually talk to me.

We get back to our room and start getting ready. After a good 2 hours were all ready to go. Lincoln, Octavia's boyfriend, was going to drive us to the party. Me and Raven have become really close with Octavia and Lincoln these last weeks, we were fitting in to this college life.

"I'm here. Trains leaving in 5 minutes. 5 minutesI  to be in the car or trains leaving without you!" Lincoln yells as he walks into the living room.

"We're ready Lincoln. Let's go."

We make our way to the party. It was raining so we did drive. When we get there the party was extremely full, the music was louder than it has ever been, and there were more people then ever.

"Hey welcome guys." Murphy welcomes us. "Hey Clarke."

"Hey Murphy. Great party."

I'm sorry for being gone for so long. I've been incredibly busy😩

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