{16} your kinda cranky

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~3 years later~

"What about this one Clarke?" Raven shouts from the other side of the wedding dress shop.

"Raven, how many times have we been over this? Walk over to me I can't see it." Clarke shouts back

"Here." Raven laughs

She holds up a solid white, skin tight dress. It had little, faint flower designs up one side and loose, lace sleeves.

"It's cute but Rave I want a loose dress-" Clarke's cut off by Octavia walking over to them

"With a long ass train. You words not mine." Octavia finishes "you've told us this numerous times."

"I know. And I would stop telling you if Raven would quit bringing me along tight dresses every day." Clarke laughs

"Maybe that's enough dress shopping for today? Your getting kind of cranky." Raven hangs the dress back up.

They all agree and walk out of the little shop. "I'm sorry guys. I know I'm kind of being picky but it's my wedding and I want it to be perfect."

"And it will be. You and my brother are meant for each other. With or without the perfect dress, the wedding is still going to be beautiful. Trust me."

"Thanks O. I love you. And thanks for being so helpful with this wedding. I appreciate it and I know Bell does too."

"I'm glad to help. I never thought I would see the day My big brother got married."

"You haven't, technically. They aren't married yet. And who knows something could go wrong in the next couple weeks and they could call this whole thing off." Raven butts in

"You are not helping." Clarke growls at her best friend

"Don't listen to her Clarke. You and Bellamy have survived 3 years of high school and your still engaged. Even after all the party's and crazy girls trying to get with my brother. If you guys can survive that you can survive anything. Honestly." Octavia calms Clarke down

"I still don't understand why you guys waited 3 years to get married." Raven states

"We both wanted to be out of college, have our life's together, a job. Stuff like that." Clarke says

"But your still in school. You have one more year." Raven states

"They got impatient and couldn't wait another year." Octavia laughs

They all laugh as they walk into the restaurant. With the wedding being only a month away Clarke has been eating nothing but healthy food, so she makes her friends always pick places that only sell salads. Octavia hates it, she loved ordering Clarke's favorite burger and eating it in front of her. But Clarke got mad the 3rd time she did and that's when she said they could only go to salad places.

"I miss burgers." Octavia whined

"You can have burgers just not when your with me. Do you not?" Clarke asks

"No, I have to fit into my brides maid dress so I figured I should go on you and Bellamy's diet of 'no good food only crap' until the wedding."

They all laugh and order their meals.

I lowkey hate this chapter but it's kind of just a filler chapter while I work up to the wedding

Ps- I hope your not mad at me for a time jump. I figured we had to get th the wedding sooner or later

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