{2} Yes

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I slowly open the door and step in. He looks up when I close the door and I swear his jaw hits the ground.


"You look good, for being in a crash." I laugh

"Here." He pulls the chair over next to the bed. "Sit."

I walk over to the chair and sit down. It's silent for a little bit until I decide to break the silence.

"How are you?"

"I'm good. Ready to get out of here."

"Yea I bet." I laugh lightly

"I missed that." Bellamy says softly

I look at him. "Missed what?"

"You. Your laugh."


"No Clarke I can't do this."

"Do what!?"

"Sit here and pretend I don't feel anything towards you."

"I don't know what to want me to say."

"Clarke, when I got in that crash I was on my way to you. I was own my way to tell you how I actually felt."

Suddenly it hits me. "When you called, you were trying to tell me how you felt. If I would have just shut up and listened you wouldn't have felt the need to come over. You would have stayed at home and then you wouldn't have got hit." I'm crying now. "It's all my fault."

"Clarke, it's not your fault. It's not my fault. It's the dumb fuck who didn't look at the light at the intersection. I don't blame you, I don't blame me."

"But bellamy, if I would have just shut up and listened to what you had to say this never would have happened."

"Come here." He scoots over in the hospital bed.

I smile and get in the bed. I do it slowly and gently trying not to hurt him. "Clarke, I'm fine. Now hurry up and get in."

I flop down next to him and he pulls his itchy hospital blanket over us.

"Bellamy, this blanket itches."

We both laugh. "Suck it up. I've been stuck with it for a week."

I look at him and trace my finger over a healing scrape on his cheek. He grabs my hand and holds it. We stare into each other's eyes for a while.

"What is this?" I ask, breaking the silence

"What do you mean?"

"I mean us. When we started, whatever you call it, we agreed that we couldn't catch feelings for each other. And now..." she stops

"And now we both have feelings for each other." He finishes her sentence.

"Yea.." she whispers

Bellamy slowly leans down and kisses Clarke. This is the first kiss that's gentle, and caring. It's their first real kiss. Their first time kissing when they aren't fucking each other in a closet.

She smiles up at him. "What does that mean?"

"What do you want it to mean?"

"I want it to mean we'll forget about our stupid deal and become an actual couple." Clarke blurts

Bellamy doesn't say anything, he just looks down at Clarke it's a smile on her face.

"I know, Bellamy Blake doesn't do relationships. He has to keep up his bad boy rep-"

"Yes." Bellamy interrupts her.


"Yes I'll be your boyfriend. Only if you'll be my girlfriend."

Clarke laughs. "That's usually how it works."

He leans down and kissed her again. This time it's more loving and passionate but still gentle.

"What did we miss?" Raven asks walking in on them.

Late update because I was busy today😂

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