{5} I Was Lying to you

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"I'm so full." Clarke groans as they flop into bed.

"We probably shouldn't have ate all the Chinese food. I mean, we did just have Taco Bell."

"Yea but it was there and it smelt good and I couldn't control myself."

"I know, we have a food problem." Bellamy laughs

Clarke sits up and looks at him seriously "do you think it's serious?"

"What?" Bellamy asks confused

"Do you think our food problem is serious enough to get us hospitalized?"

"Wha- no I-" Bellamy doesn't know what to say

Clarke breaks out laughing. "I'm just joking. You should have seen your face."

"I hate you."

"No you don't. You just told me you love me."

"I was lying to you." He playfully smirks

"See, here's the thing Blake. I know you, you may not think I know you but trust me, I do."

"Oh yea?" He challenged her

"I know you well enough to know when your joking. And right now, your joking."

"Look at you go." He smiled at her. A genuine smile, not a flirtatious smirk. A true, genuinely happy smile and it made Clarke smile right back like an idiot.

"Go wash up, I'll meet you in bed." Bellamy kisses her forehead as she pulled her self off the bed to get ready to go to sleep.

A few minutes later Clarke came back into the room. She flicked the lights off and crawled into the bed next to Bellamy. Bellamy wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her closer, if possible.

"You wanna know something?" Clarke asked

"Tell me." Bellamy mumbles into her hair

"Back when we were just fuck buddies, after every time we fucked, I wanted to lay there and just, well, do this. Hell, I fell for you so damn hard I practically craved it. It literally broke me every time you'd leave me to fix myself."

Bellamy has to force himself not to cry. He never meant to hurt Clarke. "Clarke, I am so sorry, I never knew. You always seemed so happy and excited."

"I was. Because truth is I fell for you, hell it was impossible not to fall for you. I guess I just got really good at hiding my emotions."

Bellamy put his hands on either side of Clarke's face and stared into the piercing Blue eyes. "I love you so much Clarke Griffin and I'm so sorry for putting you through that." His hands fell from her face and she noticed his facial expressions drop.

Now it was her turn. She mimicked Bellamy and grabbed his face. "Hey, I'm not mad at you. Okay? You didn't know, and how could you. All that maters is right now. And right now I love you so damn much."

Bellamy leaned over and kissed her, hard yet gentle, passionate yet needy. The kiss quickly got more needy and less passionate. They both finally realized how they truly felt about the other, and the best part was it was together.

How scared did the title make you?😂

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