How it all began

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This the story of how I died. Oh don't worry it's actually a very fun story and its not even about me. This is a story about a lost prince named Harry and it all starts with a single drop of moonlight. 

That drop fell from the heavens and planted itself in the ground. From that drop grew a magic silver flower.

It could be used to heal the sick, fix the injured and help you stay young forever. In other words it heals what has been lost as long as you sing a special song to it. It was said to glow blue as the song was sung.

The legend of the flower was told to children. Most people didn't believe such nonsense but some searched for the flower and it consumed their lives.

One old woman known as Petunia found the flower at the edge of a cliff. Instead of sharing this wonderful gift she hid it from the rest of the world, selflessly using this flower to stay alive for hundreds of years. You get the gist she sings a song she turns young creepy right?

Meanwhile a kingdom grew on an island ruled by a loved by all king and Queen. Lily and James Potter became known as the best people to ever rule the land.

The citizens rejoiced when James and Lily announced that Lily was pregnant. The celebrations did not last long as Lily became sick.

James became hopeless and depressed. That's when people started to look for a miracle or a magic silver flower.

James ordered every guard to search for the magic flower. The villagers joined in on the search but not on order.

Lily's death grew near. James tried everything but nothing would save her. He would be losing his wife and his child.

Then miraculously James and Lily's best friends Sirius, Remus and Peter travelled to the edge of a cliff on what they thought was a hopeless search where they found the flower.

They dug up the flower and rushed back to Lily with it.

Petunia watched in the shadows as her precious flower was dug up and taken from her grasp.

When Sirius, Remus and Peter arrived back to the castle with the flower the chefs quickly brewed it into a soup.

James fed the soup to Lily with tears in his eyes as she swallowed. Almost instantly Lily was healed and celebration commenced once again.

Months later a beautiful baby boy was born with beautiful black flowing hair. I'll give you a hint that's Harry.

In honour of his birth Lily and James realised a soaring lantern into the sky.

For that moment everything was perfect.

And then that moment ended.

While Harry and everyone in the castle was sleeping Petunia scaled the castle and broke in through the balcony.

She creeped up to Harry's unguarded crib. Petunia began to sing her song and sure enough Harry's hair began to glow blue.

Petunia smiled her wicked grin as she held the scissors to Harry's still glowing hair.

Just as she cut his hair it turned back to jet black and it's power was lost. Petunia gasped dropping the scissors onto Harry's face causing a lightning shaped scar.

Harry finally woke up crying.

Petunia had to act fast.

Lily and James scrambled out of bed hearing the footsteps and cries of their child.

What they saw horrified them. Petunia jumped out of view with Harry cradled in her arms.

The kingdom searched for the lost prince but he could not be found for deep within the forest Harry was hidden in a tower.

Petunia raised the child as her own forbidding him to ever step foot outside. Telling him it was a dangerous and a cruel place all while he lived with the true danger. Petunia has found her new magic flower but this time she was determined to keep it hidden.

But the walls of that tower couldn't hide everything. As every night of Harry's birthday the kingdom would release thousands of  floating lanterns into the sky in hope that their lost prince would soon return.


Time for a new story.

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