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Draco, Crabbe and Goyle scaled the castle. They pulled themselves on to the roof.

As Crabbe and Goyle were finding their way in Draco stood admiring the few.

"Wow" he breathed out "I could get used to a view like this."

Crabbe hissed at him "Rider come on!"

"Hold on" Draco held up a finger "yeah I'm used to it, guys I want a castle."

Goyle grabbed him by the back of his neck "you do this job you can buy your own castle."

Draco's waist was tied to a rope. Crabbe and Goyle lowered him into the massive room holding the prince's crown, guards surrounded it. He had to admit it was low stealing the crown for a lost prince. He needed the money though. How else was an orphan supposed to live around these parts? As Draco was grabbing the crown one of the guards sneezed.

"Bless you. Hay fever?" Draco questioned.

"Yeah" the guard said simply.

Draco chuckled at the stupidity of the guard as he began to be pulled up by Crabbe and Goyle.

The guard realised his mistake to late as he screamed at the other guards to retrieve the crown. The guards saddled up their horses as the thief's proceeded on foot.

"All the things we've seen and it's only eight in the morning I'm telling you fellas this is a huge day" Draco grinned while sprinting away from the kingdom and into the forest.

After running awhile Draco leaned up against a tree panting. He suddenly noticed the wanted posters of the three nailed onto it.

"On no this is bad this is really bad" Draco tore his wanted poster from the tree and held it out in front of Crabbe and Goyle "they just can't get my nose right."

"Shut it" Goyle snapped at Draco "it's doesn't matter."

"Well that's easy for you to say" Draco retorted pointing at their wanted posters "you guys look amazing."

"RIDER!" A voice in the distance bellowed causing the men to jump in shock before inevitability sprinting again.

Their feet cried as they ran before reaching a stone wall standing in the way of their freedom.

"They'll be here any second" Crabbe scowled.

"Alright here's the plan" Draco started "you guys give me a boost up and then I'll help you up."

Crabbe and Goyle exchanged a glance.

"Give us the satchel first" Goyle demanded holding out his hand.

"Wow after years you guys still don't trust me" Draco held a hand to his heart.

Goyle and Crabbe gave him a serious look.

"That's cold" Draco sighed while handing them his satchel containing the crown "it hurts."

Crabbe and Goyle hoisted Draco onto the higher ground above them. Once Draco was secure and safe up there he turned to look at the Crabbe and Goyle.

"Alright" Crabbe grunted "help us up pretty boy."

Draco smirked "sorry" he held out his satchel to the men, taunting them "my hands are full."

Crabbe and Goyle panicked trying to figure out how Draco managed to snatch it from them. Draco then dashed in the other direction in a attempt of escape.

"MALFOY!" Goyle screamed.

Draco hissed at the use of his real name but continued to run. He continued to run until he found himself at the edge of a cliff barely stopping before the edge. He heard a huff from behind him and turned around to see a horse without its rider.

"Ah Buckbeak always a pleasure" Draco smirked at the horse.

Buckbeak launched forward trying to snatch the satchel from Draco's hand.

Draco tried to yank it away but in doing so it flew out of both of their reach. It hung from a small branch at the edge of a huge drop.

Buckbeak and Draco glanced at each other before clambering forward. They pulled each other back and forth trying to grab the satchel. Before the two could realise they were on the branch. Draco stretched his hand out and grabbed the satchel.

"A-ha" Draco grinned.

Suddenly they was a creaking sound. Buckbeak and Draco looked at the end of the branch to see it snapping then they looked down.

"Bollox" Draco groaned just before the branch snapped and the two went plummeting.

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