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(Third Person)

Harry's owl Hedwig looked around. Suddenly she found a pot to hide behind. Harry opened the shutters just as Hedwig got into place.

"A-Ha" he smiled frowning when he noticed Hedwig wasn't there "Well I guess Hedwig is not in here."

Hedwig let out a sigh of relief as Harry walked away. Suddenly she was lifted up by Harry's hair.

"Got ya!" Harry cheered.

Hedwig let out a grunt of annoyance.

"Alright that's - four me and- four you how about twenty three out of forty five?"

Hedwig rolled her eyes and scowled.

"Alright" Harry folded his arms "what do you want to do."

Hedwig brightened up and used her wing to point towards the outside.

Harry shook his head "no Hedwig I like it in here and so do you."

Hedwig have him a look.

"Oh come on Hedwig it's not so bad."

Harry had woken up at 7 am sharp like he does everyday. He started on his chores and swept until the floor was clean. He polished, waxed, did laundry, mopped, and shined the place up. He swept again and by then it was 7:15.

So he read three books that he had read a thousand times before. He added a few new paintings to his gallery. He played guitar and knit and cooked. All while having the same thought on his mind. Then he had lunch. After lunch he finished some puzzles, played darts and baked some treats. He then did paper machete, a bit of ballet, chess, pottery, ventriloquy and candle making. Then he stretched, sketched, took a climb and sewed a dress.

Then he reread the books because he had time to spare. He painted the walls some more but there was barely any room anywhere. Then he brushed and brushed and brushed and brushed his hair still stuck in the same place he always has been.

Everyday he wondered when would his life begin. Truly begin. When he could be free to feel the grass beneath his feet and be able to feel the cool breeze.

Harry sighed as he continued to search the wall for a place to paint. He pulled back a red curtain to reveal a blank piece of the wall. A canvas to Harry though.

Harry grinned and grabbed his painting supplies already knowing what he was going to paint. His owl Hedwig climbed up on to his shoulder as he started to paint on the wall.

Once he was finished he grinned at his master piece. The painting showed him sitting up on a tree gazing at the lights in the night sky.

Tomorrow night lights were going to be appear. Just like they do on Harry's birthday each year.

"What is it like" Harry sighed softly "out there where they glow" he turned to Hedwig "now that I'm older mother might just let me go."

As if on cue Harry heard his mother Petunia bellow from the bottom of the tower "Harry! Let down your hair."

Harry smiled "this is it Hedwig this is the day I'm finally going to ask her."

Hedwig gave Harry a unsure look.

"Oh don't look at me like that" Harry giggled "now hide so mother doesn't see you."

Hedwig flew up the staircase and into Harry's room.

"Harry?" Petunia questioned "I'm not getting any younger down here."

"Coming mother" Harry yelled back.

He ran over to the window and threw is long black hair down the tower.

Petunia grabbed it and created a small loop in the bottom of it. She placed her foot in that hoop and softly tugged on Harry's hair signalling for him to pull her up.

Harry used all of his strength to tug on his hair and yank Petunia up all while she gracefully soared into the air.

Petunia stepped onto the window ledge then jumped down onto the towers floor.

"Oh my Harry I don't know how you manage to do that everyday without fail you must be exhausted my pet" Petunia complemented.

Harry chuckled lightly "it's nothing."

"Then I don't know why it takes so long" Petunia tapped Harry's nose.

Harry's face turned glum as Petunia burst out laughing "I was joking don't take everything so serious darling."

"Oh ha ha" Harry fake laughed.

Petunia strolled over to the mirror and started examining her face for any signs of ageing.

Harry trailed behind her "anyway Mother I've been meaning to ask you something."

Petunia gripped Harry by the shoulders "Harry you know what I see when I look in this mirror I see a beautiful young person destined for greatness."

Harry's face broke into a smile as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"Oh look you're here to" Petunia pointed at the mirror highly amused.

Harry's face fell again.

"Oh I'm kidding sweetheart learn to take a joke" Petunia chuckled.

Harry nodded "well Mother tomorr-"

Petunia cut him off "Harry will you sing for me?"

Harry nodded fast "of course mother."

He ran around the tower and grabbed a chair for his mother to sit on. From the other side of the room he got a hairbrush and a stool for himself.

Just as Petunia sat down Harry shoved the hairbrush into her hands and sat down.

Harry cleared his throat before singing rather fast.

"Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine

Heal what has been hurt
Change the Fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine

What once was mine" Harry rushed.

Petunia fumbled throughout the song trying to brush Harry's hair in the process.

"Harry" Petunia scowled.

Harry swivelled around in his stool "Sorry mother but you obviously don't remember so I'm just going to tell you that tomorrow it's my birthday!"

Petunia shook her head "no it can't be I distinctly remember your birthday was last year."

Harry gave an awkward smile "well that's the thing about birthdays there kind of an annual thing."

Petunia sighed getting up from the armchair "fine dear what do you want for your birthday."

Harry mumbled something that Petunia couldn't hear.

"Oh Harry you know how I hate the mumbling speak up" Petunia urged.

"I want to see the floating lights" Harry blurted out.

Petunia raised on eyebrow "what."

"The floating lights" Harry repeated.

Petunia snickered "Oh you mean the stars."

"See that's the thing" Harry started "I've charted stars and they have a common occurrence but these they only appear on my birthday."

Petunia could tell this was a dangerous subject.

"I can't help but feel like they were made for me" Harry said in a dream state "so I have to see them and not just from a window. Mother I want to go outside and see them up close."

Petunias face turned stern "we have had this conversation about the outside world a thousand time now Harry and what do I always say."

Harry froze "Well you say no."

"And what makes you think this time will be any different?" Petunia questioned him.

I see the light (Drarry: Disney Tangled Au)Where stories live. Discover now