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Draco was making his way down the tower slowly. He let out a huff of tiredness and looked up. Still no scarhead.

"You coming Raven?" Draco yelled out. He wasn't sure if Harry had heard him or not.

Harry did hear him. He was perched on top of his windowsill gazing down into the unknown. This was all he wanted for the past eighteen years of his life but he'd also be betraying the person who took take of him his entire life. Hedwig perched on his shoulder waiting impatiently for Harry to man up and go.

"Alright I can do this" Harry frowned "No I can't" he took a deep breath "here I go."

Draco climbed down the tower, grumbling to himself as he did so a tangle of black hair suddenly fell from the window. Draco yelped as he saw it. The next thing he knew Harry was descending from his tower using his hair as a way down.

Harry was screaming with joy as he was going down. He had never done this before and it felt so freeing. Still, just before he hit the ground he hesitated. A part of him was still scared to take the next step. Slowly, he started to put his foot on the ground. Harry gasped as his bare feet touch the grass.

"Just smell the grass! The dirt! Just like I dreamed they’d be! Just feel that summer breeze" Harry threw his hands into the air in joy "the way it’s calling me. For like the first time ever,
I’m completely free!"

Harry let out a laugh. Draco reached the bottom of the tower and blinked at Harry in confusion.

"I could go running, and racing, and dancing, and chasing And leaping, and bounding, hair flying, heart pounding And splashing, and reeling,
and finally feeling. That’s when my life begins!" Harry twirled around.

"Alright that was weird" Draco looked at him "are you okay Raven?"

Harry turned around and gripped Draco by the shoulders "I can't believe I did this!" Suddenly his beaming face turned grim "I can't believe I did this."

Draco nodded "dude you went outside calm down."

"You don't understand I'm not allowed outside ever."

"Ever?" Draco raised his eyebrow not believing the story.

"Ever" Harry repeated "if my mother found out about this she would kill me. Oh my god she would kill me."

Harry let go of Draco's shoulders. His hands went up to his hair "I have to go back."

Harry looked up at the tower and gulped. Hedwig hit him in the face with her wings. Harry shook his head "no you're right Hedwig I have to go. It's my dream."

Draco stared at him in confusion "Alright so he talks to his owl. That's fine."

"How mad will she be at me Flynn?" Harry turned to Draco.

"Well, I don't know your mother personally" Draco smirked "but from what I'm hearing she's strict, overprotective?"

"Very" Harry nodded.

"Look I get it Scarhead" Draco said "rebelling is a part of life. I could never stay in one place for to long let alone how ever old you are."

"I'm turning eighteen soon" Harry replied.

"Yeah anyway" Draco continued "so you just gotta do it."

"Really?" Harry smiled.

"Yeah" Draco shrugged "does your mom deserve it? No. Will it crush her soul and rip her heart in half? definitely."

"Crush her soul?" Harry frowned.

"Like a grape" Draco leaned forward and grinned in Harry's face.

Harry fell down to the ground and put his face into his hands. He let out a groan and Draco kneeled down beside him.

"Look Raven I'm willing to forget about the deal. Just give me my satchel go back into your tower and no one has to know" Draco flashed a smile "it's for the best."

"No!" Harry exclaimed taking his hands out of his hair "this is my dream! I- I have to see them."

Draco sighed "wow Raven dream big I guess." 

As Harry had began to retort a bush started to rustle. Draco glanced at it nonchalantly. Harry on the other hand let out a squeal and jumped onto Draco, pointing his frying pan at the bush.

"What is it? Is it going to eat me?" Harry questioned "stay vigilant."

Harry screamed as a bunny jumped out of the bush. He stopped once realized and stared at it blankly.

"Be careful I think it can smell fear" Draco teased.

Harry laughed as he Jumped off Draco "Sorry I guess I'm a little jumpy."

"No kidding" Draco said "we should probably stay away from from ruffians and thugs though."

"Yeah that would be for the best" Harry agreed.

Draco was struck with an idea "Hey are you hungry? Because I am starving."

"I mean a bite to eat would be nice" Harry shrugged.

"Great" Draco grinned "because I happen to now this charming little place where we can get something 'The Snuggly Duckling.'"

Harry smiled "Well I do like ducklings."

"Yay" Draco started walking "you'll love it."

Meanwhile Buckbeak was sniffing the ground searching for the thief Flynn Rider. He looked up to see a figure wrapped in a cloak. He was filled with disappointment as the figure turned around and looked to be a woman.

"Oh a palace horse" She smiled but it quickly faded "but where's your rider?"

Her eyes widened and she was filled with dread "Harry."

She ran away and Buckbeak watched her go in confusion. She sprinted towards the tower hoping her suspicions were not correct. Once she reached the tower she screamed "Harry let down your hair!"

No answer.


Again no answer.

Petunia ran to the side of the tower. Clawing and pulling at the rocks she managed to throw some the side. She climbed through the hole and clambered up the stairs. She used her shoulder to push open the trapdoor.

"HARRY" she screamed as she entered the towers room.

Silence. The tower was empty. From the corner of her eye she saw a satchel hidden under the wardrobe. She ran to it and poured it's contents on the floor. She stared in horror at the crown. Her flower was gone.

I see the light (Drarry: Disney Tangled Au)Where stories live. Discover now