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Back in the kingdom the castle was abuzz trying to get things ready for the prince's birthday. The King's best friend Sirius almost ran into a maid on the way to meet his friends.

"Sorry Marlene" Sirius called.

Marlene rolled her eyes "you will be if you make me drop these sheets."

Sirius stuck his tongue out at her and she did the same. Sirius then entered the room he was told that his friends were in.

"Hey!" Sirius called grinning. He then saw that the only person in the room  was Remus. He was sitting on a couch reading a book. He looked up when Sirius burst into the room "oh. Hey Rem."

"Hey Sirius" Remus placed the book on his lap "Any idea why Lily asked us to come?"

"Obviously because we are the best friends anyone could ask for" Sirius smirked and walked closer to Remus "I mean who wouldn't want us around?"

"I certainly would not" Remus said "You are a very dramatic person."

"You love that about me though" Sirius leaned in to kiss Remus but Remus shoved the book in his face.

"Ow" Sirius rubbed his nose "Damn Remus I thought you loved me."

"Don't be naive Sirius you know I do" Remus put the book on the table beside the couch "but you do realise that anyone could walk in at any moment."

Sirius sighed and sat down beside Remus "how long are we supposed to keep this a secret for?"

"We don't know how the kingdom would react" Remus reasoned and his shoulders sagged "how our friends would react."

"Do you really think they would reject us?" Sirius frowned "we've known them since we were kids. They don't seem like the type of people to do that."

Remus nodded "I know Sirius. It's just people don't like what they can't understand. They're afraid of it. Something that doesn't follow the norm."

Sirius slowly took Remus's hand in his. Remus didn't flinch away this time.

"What's so difficult to understand about love?" Sirius whispered.

Remus smiled "I still don't understand why I love you so much."

"I don't know if I should be hurt or not."

The two suddenly heard the door open and Remus pulled his hand away quickly. Peter entered the room.

"Hiya Pete" Sirius waved.

"Hey Sirius, Remus" Peter responded "where's Lily?"

"She's here" Lily opened the door and quickly shut it behind her.

"Is that a new dress Lily?" Sirius asked "you look great. You see I told you green was your colour."

"Sirius can you please keep your voice down?" Lily asked "do try to be quiet."

"What's with the secrecy?" Remus asked.

"James doesn't really know you're here" Lily confessed.

"Ooo trouble in paradise?" Sirius teased.

"No Sirius" Lily rolled her eyes.

"So what did you want to talk to us about?" Peter questioned as he sat in the armchair beside the couch.

"As you know Harry's birthday is coming up" Lily began.

The atmosphere in the room changed completely.

"James always tends to get" Lily searched for the right word "... distant when his birthday is approaching."

No one knew how to respond to that. Sirius was rendered quiet for once.

"Anyway" Lily shook her head "The lanterns we use for his birthday tradition are usually made here in the kingdom but the woman who runs the business is sick."

"How sick?" Peter asked.

"She'll live thankfully" Lily answered "but she wasn't able to make the amount of lanterns we needed and we're short. This does mean we'll have to go out of the kingdom for the lanterns. James wants to go but firstly he can't leave at a time when all the kingdom is well... gloomy for a lack of a better word. Secondly James shouldn't be putting pressure on himself right now. This time of the year is very hard on him... it's very hard on me. So I was thinking you three could go and get them."

"Of course" Remus said.

"Lily I'd be happy to go but I really think one of us should stay here" Sirius said "I know you can handle yourself but you and James shouldn't be alone at this time."

"I can stay" Peter offered "I'd probably only slow you down."

"Are you sure?" Lily asked and when everyone agreed she smiled "thank you guys. Now that you are here would you all like to stay for dinner?"

"We'd love to" Sirius agreed.

"Great!" Lily smiled "now if you excuse me I'll go check on the chefs. I've been meaning to talk to Alice and Frank."

"I'll go with you" Peter said "I promised I would visit Alice next time I was here."

The two left the room chatting. Sirius turned to Remus "so..."

Remus raised an eyebrow "so?"

"So yes it's awful that the lantern maker is sick but" Sirius smiled "this is an opportunity for some alone time for us."

Remus furrowed his eyebrows "that's a fun way to look at it."

"Admit it" Sirius grinned "you cannot wait to spend time with me."

Remus rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless "I guess it would be nice to spend time with my boyfriend without worry for once."

"I love it when he call me that" Sirius grinned as he pressed their lips together.

This time Remus didn't object.

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