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Harry gulped "Well because I'm turning eighteen now an-"

"Age is just a number sweetheart" Petunia chuckled.

Ironic coming from her.

"I know" Harry agreed "but I think I'm becoming more responsible and I think I can protect myself."

Petunia let out a loud laugh making Harry feel insecure.

"Look at you fragile as a flower still a little sapling just a sprout" Petunia chuckled "the world is a dark and dangerous place, you know why we stay up in this tower."

"I know" Harry nodded.

"That right to keep you safe and sound" Petunia tapped Harry on the nose "guess I always knew this day was coming, I knew soon you'd want to leave the nest, soon but not yet."

"I-" Harry tried.

"Trust me pet" Petunia silenced him "mother knows best."

"But-" Harry began but Petunia cut him off.

"If you go outside something will go wrong I swear" she started counting things off on her fingers "ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, quicksand, cannibals, snakes, the plague."

"No!" Harry protested.

"Yes!" Petunia responded.


"Also large bugs" Petunia continued "men with pointy teeth and stop no more you'll just upset me."

Harry took a step towards his mother "mother."

"Don't worry my little ray of sunshine" Petunia pinched Harry's cheeks "I'm right here and I will protect you. Here's what I suggest, skip the drama stay with Mama.  Mother knows best."

"Mother your being foolish" Harry told her.

Petunia scoffed "go ahead leave me here I deserve it, I only fed, clothed and bathed you."

Harry pouted "that's an unfair argument."

"Trust me sweetie you won't survive out in the wild" Petunia told Harry.

Harry shook his head "you don't know that."

"Oh please" Petunia rolled her eyes "I raised you do I have to mention that you are sloppy, under dressed, immature, clumsy please they'll eat you alive, gullible, naive, positively grubby, ditzy and a bit hmm vague."

Harry looked himself up and down feeling insecurities flood him.

"Plus I do believe" Petunia stepped closer to Harry "getting kind chubby I'm just saying cause I love you."

Harry felt tears prick his eyes and this did not go unnoticed by Petunia.

"Mother understands, mothers here to help you" Petunia soothed "all I have is one request."

Harry jumped into his mother arms the tears streaming down his face.

"Harry" Petunia brushed Harry's hair out of his face.

"Yes mother?" Harry smiled.

"Don't ever ask to leave this tower again" Petunia said sternly.

Harry frowned and nodded "yes mother."

"Don't forget it" Petunia brushed her hands through Harry's hair "you'll regret it."

Harry wiped his tears "Okay."

Petunia grinned "I know what will make you feel better."

Harry looked up "what?"

"I'll go right now and get you your favourite cake for dessert how does that sound?" Petunia beamed at Harry.

Harry smiled slightly "that sounds great Mother."

Harry then lowered his mother to the ground and she shouted from the bottom "I'll be back soon."

"And I'll be here" Harry sighed "like always."

Harry climbed onto the windowsill and let out a small cry. Hedwig flew down from Harry's room and nuzzled against him. Harry let out a sigh and smiled "one day Hedwig. Maybe when I'm twenty that way I'm not technically a teen."

Hedwig looked up at him.

"Your right Hedwig" Harry hung his legs over the windowsill "If I'm gonna leave I'll have to defy mother."

Harry looked down at the grass below him "not today though."

He climbed back into the towers and shut the shutters.

I see the light (Drarry: Disney Tangled Au)Where stories live. Discover now