Goodbye Australia

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A/n hey guys :) here's the new chapter ;D sorry it took a while I didn't have much time to write so sorry if it isn't any good <3

Jess xx


I talked for a little longer with my mum and she told me a bit about herself and England and all the things that she wants to do when I get here. I must say I'm pretty excited for someone who just lost her parents and now has to move to England to live with her birth parent who she's never met before. She just made me feel like I'm actually going to be welcome there and that I'm actually going to fit in. At the moment that's my biggest worry, the fact of whether or not Im going to fit in. Well besides the Aussie accent, really tanned skin and my craziness, you wouldn't think I would be that different, would I?


About ten or fifteen minutes after I had finished the call with my mum, Brendan, Steph and Libby got home and had brought me some breakfast with them. Thank god!!! I was starving, I mean for a girl who normally eats a horse in one sitting, I had eaten hardly anything the past few days and let's just say I WAS HUNGRY!

"You ready to go yet?" Brendan asked, seeming kind of anxious to get going.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" I questioned.

"I want you to get this done, because I know you, you'll leave it till last minute and then stress yourself out doing it all and I don't need you stressed out right now." Brendan stated.

"okay, okay I get it. I'll meet you in the car I just need to get my phone." I said getting up from my chair and walking to my room to get my phone.


I had finished packing all my things on my desk when Brendan rang me.

"hey, how are you going?"

"okay, I just finished packing all the crap on my desk."

"did you need any help? If so Steph said she can go over?" Brendan offered.

"nah, I'm okay I've really only got my bed and that to do." I declined.

"okay, well call me when you want me to come and get you okay?"


I hung up on Brendan and got to packing everything that was in my bedside tables. I must say though, I never realized how much crap I had in them until now.

I finished off my bedside tables and looked around my room. It was just so... So bare, all that was really left was my desk, my bed and my guitar in the corner. I looked at my guitar and all of a sudden felt upset but happy at the same time as I remembered all the times me and my dad would just sit in the backyard on the swing playing on our guitars and singing. My dad taught me everything I know about playing the guitar I'm not amazing but I can play quiet a few songs.

I haven't had one singing lesson ever but I'm always singing in my room when I'm home alone or in the shower. Music is just my escape it's like when I'm singing nothing else matters and I can just express myself and just be, well me.


Here I am standing at the airport waiting for my one way flight to England, surrounded by all the people that mean anything and everything to me. I can't believe this is actually it, I wrap my arms around Libby and squeeze her tight.

"don't forget me." she whimpers into my shoulder.

"how could I ever forget my annoying little sister." I joked.

"promise you'll call as soon as you get there?" she asked, tears rolling down her cheek.

"promise." I say, whipping the tear off her face.

"pinkie promise?"

"pinkie promise!" I hold out my pinkie and lock it with hers.

I give her a big hug and turn to Taylah, Toni and Bre. They're all standing there crying too, I look at my three best friends and think of all the amazing times we've spent together. I don't even notice that I'm now starting to cry too. I walk over to the girls and wrap my arms around all three of them.

"promise me you'll watch out for Libby?" I ask as we all cry into each others shoulders.

"you know we will, as long as you promise to Skype us every day!" Taylah replied.

"I'm gonna miss you guys so much!"

We just stand there for a while holding each other, because we know it will be the last group hug that we'll get to share for a while.

We let go and I make my way over to Steph, as I get closer I see that she is crying as well. I walk up to her and she takes me into a massive hug.

"Promise me you'll keep those two in line? And look after Libby?" I say as we break apart.

"don't you worry, I'll try my best to live up to the high standards you've left." she laughs as she wipes the tears off her cheek.

"thank you" I whisper as I give her one last hug.

Finally, last but not least, Brendan. He walks over to me and we both just look at each other for a while. I can tell he's been crying because of all the tears stains on his cheek.

"I promise I'll look after and watch out for libby just like you did for all these years." he says breaking the long yet comfortable silence.

"I know you will." I saw, as another tear rolls down my cheek.

"now give me a hug!"

I basically run into my brothers open arms and just hold him tight, I don't want to let go, but I have to.

"flight J4Q77 to Doncaster, England is ready to board." the lady says over the loud speaker.

"well, that's me."

I give Libby and Brendan one last hug and kiss them both on the cheek.

"I'll call you tonight I promise." I say as I walkover to the desk.

"I love you!" I say as I walk through the gates and onto the plane.

I find my seat, put my carry on in the over head lockers and sit down. In no less than 10 minutes the plane is off the ground and in the air.

"goodbye Australia, I'll miss you!" I whisper as my home and my friends fade into a dot in the ocean.

A/n hope you guys liked the chapter sorry it took so long to upload! And just for the record I don't play the guitar but I really want to learn how to!! Oh and I'm dedicating this chapter to my friend Taylah, go read her Niall fanfic it's really good ;)

Jess xx

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