Chapter 8- I feel like I've known you for so long

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A/n hey guys :) here's the new chapter hope you like it <3

I am sososososososososososo sorry it took me so long to upload i was away on holidays without internet and the first week back of school i had heaps of homework but i hope this makes up for it!! <3

Please give any feedback!!!! <3

Jess xx


Jess's P.O.V

Louis had only been here for one day and I already felt like I had known him forever. He was just so easy to talk to and get to know. Yesterday I skyped Brendan again but this time I did it earlier so that Libby was up, which was good because I couldn't wait any longer to talk to her. I talked to just Libby for a while but then I decided I would introduce the girls to her. I stepped out of my room to find them all trying to make a run for it so I didn't see them sitting at my door. I laughed then walked into their rooms to ask them to come talk to libby.

We all talked and laughed with Libby and at the end Brendan for about half an hour until they had to go have tea. I was so glad that Libby seemed to like the girls, especially the twins, they remind me so much of her!

The girls and I got up off my bed, where we were sitting and went to the kitchen to get some breakfast. We were practically alone because it was like 9:30am, mum had gone out cause she said she needed to get something and Louis was still asleep. We all had some coco pops and went into the lounge room when I had an idea.

"Hey girls, wanna wake Louis up?" I asked, with an evil grin on my face.

The girls all looked at each other and nodded their heads grinning.

"Okay so here's what we're gonna do..."

I told the girls the plan and we were ready. I walked into the little room we had made for Louis in the shed with my flashlight ready, closely followed by the girls. I counted to three with my fingers and as we hit three I pointed the light at Louis's eyes while the girls screamed train! Louis literally jumped out of bed screaming, while all of us girls were on the floor pissing ourselves laughing! Louis stopped and gave us an evil look and we all instantly stopped. We slowly backed up as Louis just stood there staring at each and everyone of us.

"Who's idea was this!?' Louis demanded to know.

All four of the girls stepped back and pointed at me. I was all by myself, yeah thanks girls so much for we're a team! I gave Louis an innocent grin hoping he wouldn't do anything when all of a sudden I was being wrestled to the ground. Ha! He obviously doesn't know who he's dealing with, I was a champ at this. Louis had me pinned down to the ground smiling at me sheepishly. Well not for long, I slipped my arms out from under his, quickly rolled over before he landed on me and pinned him down head first.

"Where the hell did you learn how to do that!?" Louis asked not sure of what just happened.

"I picked up a few skills here and there." I laughed while letting him go.

"Well I know to never get on your bad side then ay?" he laughed.

"Well now that I'm up how about we go shopping?" Louis offered.

"yes!" the girls all cheered as they ran off to their rooms to get ready.

"You have an hour then we're leaving!" Louis yelled behind us.

We all ran off into our rooms and got ready I called dibs on the shower so I picked out some plain black leggings, a base-ball top and a bra and undies and went into the bath room. I plugged my phone into my music dock, turned the tap on, striped off my clothes and got in. I washed my hair and body and got out. I dried myself with a towel and then put on my underwear, then my clothes and blow dried my hair. I left the bathroom and went back to my room, which had a small mirror hanging up. I walked over to the last bag I hadn't unpacked yet and got out my makeup. I put on some light foundation, abut of mascara and some lip balm, then quickly straightened my hair and I was ready to go.

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