Chapter 6- New home and a new family

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A/n hey Guys here's the new chapter hope you like it so sorry it took so long to update <3

Jess xx


A gush of wind blew past my face as I stepped out of the plane and onto the warm tarmat. I was pretty bloody hot considering I was wearing jeans and a knitted jumper. I had put them on in the morning because it was cold in Melbourne, but I guess I forgot to think about what the weather would be like here. I walked into the airport and made my way to the luggage pick up. I waited for about 3 minutes until I saw one of my suitcases come passed, I grabbed hold of the handle and dragged it off. Shortly after I had collected the rest of my luggage and took a seat.

Five minutes went passed and still no sign of my mum.

"she'll be round somewhere" I mumbled to myself.

"Um excuse me but are you Jessica Milner?" I turned around to see a young girl with blonde hair and bluey eyes looking at me hopefully.

"um yeah that's me" I smiled.

" Thank god! We've been looking for you everywhere. Hi my names Lottie, I'm your younger sister." Lottie introduced herself.

"Hi Lottie, I'm Jess." I said kind of stupidly considering she obviously already knew my name.

"here let me help you with your luggage and I'll take you to the others." she said picking up one of my suitcases.

"Others?" I looked at her confused.

"Yeah, you know mum,fizzy, daisy and phoebe." she explained

"Oh yeah of course."

We picked up all my luggage and Lottie led me to where the other girls were.

"Mum, I found her." Lottie said happily.

Jay turned around and looked at me for a second, then just burst into tears and threw her arms around me.

"After all these years I finally get to hold my baby girl in my arms again." she sobbed.

"I'm so so so so so sorry for what has happened over the past week or so, you should have never of had to go through such a traumatic thing." she said through the tears.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." I said trying to hold back the tears that were welling up in my eyes.

"Okay how about I introduce you to your sisters?" she kind of half questioned.

"I'd love that." I said putting a smile on my face as I tried to not think about my parents.

"Well this is Felicity but we all call her fizzy or fiz." she introduced.

"Hello!" the brown haired girl smiled.

"Hey, it's nice to finally meet you." I replied.

Mum then introduced me to daisy and phoebe, who both gave me a big hug and told me I was really pretty which made me smile. They were both so cute! We then picked up my luggage and caught a shuttle bus to where the car was parked. When we got to the car we put my suitcases in the boot and then Lottie and fizzy started to argue about who was sitting in the front.

"It's my turn to sit in the front! You sat in the front on the way here!" fizzy complained.

"Yeah but I'm older so I get to sit in the front!" Lottie argued.

"Girls that's enough! Jess is sitting in the front!" mum said.

"Fine." both girls said at the same time.

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