Fated Meeting?

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Lunette held her breath. All she could hear was her heartbeat. Three...two...one!

"My dear, beautiful Lunette! This must be a fated meeting! The stars have blessed us." He walked towards her, his aura seemed to be giving off flowers, hands extended. Taking her hand, he kissed it, "It has been long, has it not? Could our meeting be any more proof of how we were meant to be?"

Lunette scrunched her eyebrows. How could this airhead's smile be so beautiful and melt her anger. "Yes, it has been long."

"Your Highness," Mr. Reed called out to Sol, "I must ask that you take any seat you wish so we may continue class."

"But of course! Learning, for students, is such essential, do you not agree Lulu?"

"Don't call me Lulu."

"Then I shall take this seat here in front of Lulu," Sol patted Gigi's shoulder. Gigi was too shocked to respond.

"Listen when people talk to you," Lunette scratched her head in frustration.

"Yo, Your Highness, this ain't my seat," Gigi was giving Sol a strange look between confusion and irritation.

"Does it matter? I have claimed this seat here and have respectfully requested for you to move immediately." He pointed down at Gigi who just answered him with a "Huh?"

"Just sit," Lunette tugged his sleeve. Gigi got up along with Janice and they returned to their seats at a loss for words. Not to mention the poor guy whose seat this was originally.

Mr. Reed began the lesson and Sol was surprisingly taking notes quite diligently. Lunette couldn't make out what he was so rapidly writing so she tapped his shoulder.

"What are you writing?"

"Recipes," he simply smiled looking over his shoulder. "These humans have inspired me. Have you ever had donuts?"

"At least pay attention," Lunette blushed. How could she have set such high standards for him. He was so carefree and only did what he wanted in a way worse than Lunette. She felt more grown up than him whenever Sol was around.

"How long have you been on Earth," Lunette inquired after realizing Sol knew what donuts were.

"Oh, about two weeks."

"Two weeks? You have to stay four months to get adjusted to life here!"

"Well Lulu, not to offend your honor as a woman and princess but I live in the sun everyday. I bathe in the boiling waters, eat the lava and wear the sun's rays." Sol tipped his head back and held his throat with closed eyes as if in ecstasy, "The sun's constant presence on Earth is still not sustaining enough as I am far from home, weakened by the long distance." He paused before turning around excitedly and stage whispered, "Would you like to go get donuts with me?"

"Say what?" Lunette was completely taken aback. At first he was super poetic with a very dramatic tone, drawing a person in then suddenly requests for a trip to the local donut shop. The sudden change took Lunette of guard.

"Oh yes, I hear the bakeries are splendid. It would be an honor to go with you. Not to mention I will get lost without you, though this world is not as vast as mine, it is new.."

"Ugh, not today."

"Are you not feeling well LuLu?"

"A bit," Lunette was getting a headache from her erratic emotions over Sol. Suddenly she was lifted out of her seat. "Wha-? What the heck?" Sol was holding her princess-style. Her hair was caught beneath his hand so she could only look upwards at him or the hairs would pull and hurt if she moved her head.

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