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For once, Lunette didn't drag herself around school like a zombie, in fact she was the most energized person. Gigi had reacted with an, "Alright!" and Janice simply smiled and hugged Lunette as tightly as a boa constrictor. Lunette wouldn't dare tell them it was to get Mr. Top Hat in tights out of her mind.

"Yo! Lunette, my granny's sofa will be arriving soon. My mamma knows you since you've visited my place so go down to go get it." Gigi shouted.

"At least say please," Janice scoffed but Lunette didn't mind.

"Going!" Lunette dropped the box of ribbons on a desk, grabbed her clipboard and hustled out of the room. She turned the corner and collided with Sol, freezing at the sight of him.

"Hi," Lunette gave him a shy smile. She gulped under his intense glare before she was swooped off the ground and into his arms, "Hey!"

"Oh, Lunette. I thought we should be parted for an eternity over our little lover's quarrel!" Sol rubbed his cheek against hers.

"Lover's quarrel?" Lunette pushed at his chest but his flowing orange hair was caught under her hand. She didn't want to pull at his hair, though it was tempting.

"Shall we stroll together and look with scorn upon the other class's themes?" Sol set Lunette down gently despite his rambunctious attitude.

"Actually, I have to go get a sofa," She held the clipboard tightly to her chest but caved at his crestfallen expression. "But I'll need help carrying it."

"Then we shan't dilly dally as humans say," Sol locked his elbow with hers and skipped down the hall. Lunette was somewhat glad Sol babbled the whole way there. "You know, I have been considering our class theme and I am starting to feel great zest towards it all. I have always wanted to awaken my inner thespian."

Lunette giggled at his choice words. She swore she saw him smile in a way she'd never seen but he turned his head before she could really stare at it.

They reached the school entrance where a truck was backing up towards the steps. The vice principal was guiding Gigi's mother on how far to go before stopping her. As soon as she was cleared to stop, Gigi's mother bounced out of the truck, her two security guards exiting from the other side.

"Lunette!" Gigi's mother approached her with open arms.

"Mrs. Sandy," Lunette embraced the woman.

"Where's my darling little girl?" She searched behind Lunette as if to catch a glimpse of her daughter.

"She didn't tell you? Gigi's the female class rep and is diligently leading our class right now."

Mrs. Sandy instantly teared up raising her hands to her face. She was known for her intense mood swings but Lunette felt some moods were just dramatized. It made since Gigi had kept silent.

"She is? My stubborn little girl? Why didn't she tell me?" Mrs. Sandy wiped her tears and inhaled deeply trying to calm down. A guard offered her a handkerchief which she gladly took, dabbing once more at her eyes.

"Maybe it was because she was so busy. Gigi's taken on a huge responsibility." Janice and Lunette always had to cover for Gigi. Mrs. Sandy could be quite a scary handful.

"Who's this," she turned towards Sol.

With a flourish, Sol gingerly took the woman's hand and kissed it. Lunette turned away, looking around for any bystanders that could be watching.

"I am the esteemed Prince Sol and the great male student class rep as well as this young, beautiful, adorable and enchanting lady's fiancé!"

Lunette grumbled and hid her face behind her clipboard. How utterly embarrassing. She peeked out at Mrs. Sandy who looked completely dumbfounded.

Turning to Lunette she asked, "How did you bag a prince?"

Lunette shot Sol a warning look not to reveal that she was also high royalty. "Amazing isn't she," Sol stood tall with pride. Lunette's face turned as red as a tomato.

"We came for the sofa," Lunette quickly changed the subject.

"Ah yes," Mrs. Sandy turned to her guards and snapped her fingers. The men opened the truck bed and pulled down a white, unblemished sofa covered in protective plastic. The back and arms were polished cedar wood and imbedded in it were real pearls. Mrs. Sandy had also brought a matching chair.

"I don't know if we have enough man power for both," Lunette whispered to Sol.

"I could call Sherwood," Sol shrugged. Sherwood was Sol's Phoenix which was the equivalent of Derward in being a guardian and keeper of the sunstones. Unlike Derward, Sherwood could turn into a human and an adorable, cute fat chicken. She'd always cuddle Sherwood which he seemed to like but Sol and Derward would just roll their eyes.

"No, that would cause too much suspicion. Conveniently someone you know who doesn't attend school and didn't come with Mrs. Sandy shows up to help move furniture. I'll go ask another student."

Lunette turned to got back into the school but bumped into something immediately. She looked confused at the sight of a male's school uniform. Looking up she saw it was Wesley! Her eyes widened and she took a step back.

"Need a student for what?" His eyes seemed curious yet dark. He held a straight face as well. Wesley was scary.

"We need a student to help move the chair and sofa Mrs. Sandy so kindly brought to us. As you can see the two of us are not able to carry both." Sol stepped in with a friendly smile that wasn't sincere. Lunette cowered between the two tall men.

"Is that so? I will assist you. Because of who I am, I'm not allowed to participate in my class's activities so I have nothing better to do."

Lunette pushed the two apart, "Wesley will do," she simply stated and moved away. She had felt so caged between them.

Wesley and Sol lifted the sofa not making eye contact nor speaking. Lunette gulped and tipped the chair sideways before lifting it. "I'll lead," Lunette began to walk.

"I know where we are going," Wesley retorted.

"How dare you speak to her in such a way," Sol dropped his side of the sofa making Wesley stumble. "She is Lunette Artemis Silver, Princess and heir to the-."

Lunette cleared her throat loudly cutting off Sol's rant. She didn't want to be identified as a princess.

"Princess? That wasn't in her records," Wesley faced Lunette with a furrowed brow. Lunette dropped the chair furious and whirled around to face Wesley.

"I didn't want it in the records first of all and secondly, how dare you look into my records as a fellow student! I can put you in prison for such a thing. Do check every student's background personally?" Lunette felt power building up in her. Sol noticed and ran to her.

"Lunette," Sol was by her side before she could release any power she had. He held Lunette so tightly that tears rolled down her face. So she and Sol had truly and wordlessly reconciled. That was good. She clutched his uniform jacket before pulling away and nodding her thanks.

"We will find someone more suited to carry the sofa," Sol spat at Wesley and lifted Lunette off the ground, looking her dead in the eye, "You shall return to class immediately."

"Wait Sol, put me down! I can walk. Sol, people are watching," he didn't listen as Lunette pounded on his chest.

Wesley watched the two retreat. It made sense for Lunette to be engaged to a prince but why had she hidden it? This called for investigation. He reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone, dialing a number.

"Joe? I need to ask you for a favor."

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