Theme for Class 2-C?

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The next morning Lunette slept in and ran to school half decent. Curse that old hag. She could have gotten more hours of sleep if she didn't have to fight her.

As she ran down the street that was right across the school Lunette saw Wesley pushing the gates shut. No way, she was going to make it. The walk sign was red and cars drove by. 'Time to put those skills I learned back home to the test,' Lunette mentally prepared herself.

When she reached the edge of the road she began in a sprint. If she went to fast, she'd definitely get hit. Just her luck, halfway across the crosswalk a red car approached at about...forty-five miles per hour. Lunette stopped to catch a quick breath and to glance at the gates. She had about eight seconds to make it.

The car began to hit the brakes but it would reach her in time. Lunette gave a great leap and landed on the hood of the car and rolled across it. She landed on her feet on the sidewalk. Not wasting a moment she raced to the gate and turned sideways barely passing between the gate and the wall. Wesley had thankfully paused to watch the unusual feat.

Lunette gave Wesley a quick, awkward smile before running to the school building. She flew up the stairs and to homeroom. The door was wide open and Mr. Reed wasn't there yet.

"You look awful," Janice noted walking hurriedly over to Lunette. She pulled out a clean handkerchief from her skirt pocket and dabbed at the sweat on Lunette's forehead.

"Get over to your desk, I'm doing your hair," Gigi pushed Lunette to her seat. That was a secret about Gigi, she loved doing hair.

Janice simply sat beside Lunette as Gigi started brushing Lunette's frizzy hair. Lunette winced at the hard pulling of the comb as it yanked her hair and raked her head.

"You worked late again, didn't you?" Janice nearly sounded accusatory as she examined the bags under Lunette's eyes. "You didn't even have time to put on make-up! I'm fixing that." She bent down to rummage in her school bag.

"Dang, night job. That sucks. Don't let the teacher find out, this school prohibits part time jobs... though most students here don't need one." Gigi confessed.

"Ah, I only got three hours of sleep," Lunette replied bashfully.

"Three hours!" Janice smudged the concealer under Lunette's eyes. "That's unhealthy. You could die!"

"Don't be dramatic! I..can't diieee," Lunette gave a huge yawn.

"You're so gonna get it if you fall asleep in class!" Gigi laughed as she put a clip in Lunette's hair.

"Gigi!" Janice glared at her friend.

"What?" Gigi simply shrugged but couldn't hide her smile. "There, done." She had twisted Lunette's braid up and clipped it before releasing the braid and fashioning the hair to look like it was falling out but gracefully. The top fell down and reached the nape of her neck. Gigi finished it off with some hair spray after opening the window.

"I could do better if I had more to work with. Your hair is really long though and has no layers. Still, it's thinned out nicely and not too heavy. The hairdo should last until lunch when I can redo it." Gigi rand her hands through the bottom of my hair, "Do you die it this silver color?"

Lunette, for once, was grateful for Mr. Reed's appearance. She wouldn't have to answer Gigi's question. Janice had finished Lunette's make-up as well and showed off her finished product with a compact mirror.

Lunette suddenly noticed that Sol was nowhere to be seen. Did he leave? Get lost in the city? Sadly, she couldn't hide a smirk at that thought. While thinking about Sol, she didn't hear the morning announcements and Mr. Reed began speaking.

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