Sol's keeping a Secret?

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Lunette was able to fool the Askers that her suspension was secretly given to her for her benefit of accumulating her moonstones. While Mrs. Asker was obviously suspicious, Mr. Asker- as the head of the household- deemed it unnecessary to probe further into the princess's business.

Now Lunette and Derward were licking their ice cream as they sat casually at the edge of the Main Street sidewalk after window shopping. There was nothing to do until night fell and both of them could use a break after last night. Lunette swore she was going to catch more than one moonstone in the soon, upcoming night despite Derward's disbelief.

The pair passed the bakery on their way home finishing their cones but Lunette pulled to a stop and backtracked a few steps to peek through a bakery shop window. She leaned backwards so only her head was visible. "What in the world is it," Derward asked as he stuck his tongue out as far as it could go in order to try to reach the ice cream Lunette held just out of his reach.

"Is that Sol?" Lunette shifted so Derward could see through the window. Sure enough, Sol was practically buying the entire store's contents. Boxes of donuts and other sugary treats were piled high on the counter. Sol proudly pulled out a large quantity of money and handed it to the bewildered cashier who cautiously took it, counting it accordingly.

"Uh, yes it is and I'm surprised he can even keep his figure if he eats that much regularly," Derward laid his ears back at the thought of meeting Sol, knowing it would mentally tire him out. "Say, why don't we...Lunette?"

Lunette stared with a flushed face at the one she was promised to marry. Before she could dart away, Sol caught sight of her and his expression brightened. He rushed to the door and swung it wide.

"Lulu! How my heart swells to see you." Turning towards Derward, Sol remarked, "And Derward is still the size of a garden gnome." He bent down with a smile. Cheeky.

"And I'm surprised you are not fat as a walrus from eating all that sugar. Tell me, have you yet to be diagnosed with diabetes." Derward retorted; they both stared daggers at one another before Sol turned away first.

"May I impose upon you to assist me in carrying all my desserts? Sherwood is a bit busy with a task I'd already asked him to complete."

Lunette smiled but before she could reply Derward spoke firmly, "We are headed back to the Askers' to collect our moonstone hunting tools. Lunette collected the wisdom stone and has located the remaining whereabouts of the other stones."

"But the sun has barely set," Sol flipped his hair over his shoulder. "It would be tragic to sit idly by and await for the sun to retreat beneath the hills. It is poor for the body to do nothing it is meant to do, such as walk while gaining muscle strength by toting boxes filled with sweet treats."

"I'd love to help," Lunette stepped in. "Derward, you can sit on a box and finish your ice cream, can't you? I'd hate to get rid of it." She shot her guardian a look.

Derward huffed, turning his head aside in compliance, "We-well, we wouldn't want it to go to waste," as Derward spoke, Sol had reentered the shop and grabbed the largest stack of boxes telling the lady to keep the change. Lunette ran in and grabbed the smaller stack with Derward tucked under her arm, holding the ice cream between her left thumb and forefinger.

After leaving the shop and adjusting Derward's position so he could enjoy his treat, the trio made their way down the sidewalk. Lunette found it slightly pleasant but somehow nerve wracking. Was it because of the vision? She tried to erase the memory from her head. Now was not the time to be thinking about that.

"Did you know that the humans say the sun is just a ball of gas?" Sol was already munching on a chocolate donut with rainbow sprinkles, Lunette's favorite. Had she not just had ice cream she might've reached in the box to enjoy one herself. "What do you think?"

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