Replaced (part2) (Happy)

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I've finally continued this! @litalza requested this plotline thing. I think they changed their username though... it wasn't showing up as anything. Sorry for not continuing for like 2 months? Three?

Also, the two different endings aren't connected in any way. So you don't have to read both.

The boys walked into the workshop.

"Hey, Mr. Stark!"

Tony turned to look at the boys. "Hey, Pete! Hello, there. You're Logan I presume? The new intern?" He stuck out his hand to shake.

"Y-yes, sir." Logan shook his hand nervously.

"No need to be afraid, I brought you here because I knew you'd do well in this environment. Judging by your resumé of course." He chuckled to himself.

"Mr. Stark, we were wondering on the way up why you got two interns?" Peter asked.

"Ah, yes. Well I noticed that you were having troubles turning your ideas into actual projects. You have amazing ideas but you need a bit of help applying them. I hoped that if I got a second intern then you two would be able to work both alone and together and play off each other's ideas." Tony told them.

Logan and Peter looked at each other and then back to Tony. "Why don't I leave you two to become acquainted?" Tony patted their shoulders and then left.

The two boys walked over to the nearest table, sat down and started talking. Two hours later when Tony walked in, the two boys were working on what appeared to be a handheld game device of some sort. Tony turned back around and smiled to himself.

Logan would be a good fit here.

Yep. That's it. Normally these endings always end up with the new guy being evil or whatever. But I wanted to be different.

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