After New york

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Takes place after the first Avengers movie.

The Avengers were cleaning up after the battle against the alien fish things (yes, I know. No, I don't care). There was so much destruction it would take months, possibly years to clean up.

Tony was cleaning up near a collapsed building when he heard a soft crying sound coming from under a bit of rubble. Tony walked over to where the sound was coming from and carefully removed the rubble from on top of it.

Underneath was a kid about 7 years old who was curled up in a ball crying. He looked up at Iron man and strted crying even more.

"Hey kid, calm down. Your okay." Tony told him. But the small boy kept crying.

"Hey guys," Tony said over the mics. "I have a bit of a problem over here."

"What is it? " Captain America asked.

"There's a kid, and he's crying."

"Ok, and? " Cap asked again.

"I don't know how to deal with crying kids! I need you guys to come help!"

Soon Natasha, Steve, Bruce, and Thor were there to help Tony with the crying kid. But none of them were able to get him to calm down.

"Clint, where are you?" Natasha asked over the mics.

"I'm currently helping bring people into the temporary hospital, why? " Clint said.

"We need you over here to help us." Natasha told him.

"On my way."

Less than a minute later Clint dropped down beside them from the top of a building. "What's wrong?"

"We can't get this kid to calm down and come out of the half collapsed building." Tony told him, exasperated.

Clint looked over to where the little boy was crying and his gaze softened. He put his bow away and walked over to him.

When he got there, he couched down beside the boy. "Hey, buddy," he said in a soft tone that the other Avengers had never heard before, "Where's your mummy and daddy?"

The other Avengers, who had yet to hear the kid stop crying, were shocked to hear a small voice say, "The building fell on them."

"Oh no, come here." Clint opened up his arms and the small boy dove into them for a hug. "Let's get you out of here, we'll find somewhere for you to stay." Clint stood up with a crying kid clinging to his neck and started carrying him towards the others.

"I'm going to bring him to the medical tent and get him checked for injuries. Hopefully we'll find him some family to stay with." Clint told the others.

As Clint walked away carrying the boy, the others looked astonished. It wasn't until they were fighting Ultron that they finally got answers.


The boy suffered no severe injuries and ended up moving in with his aunt and uncle. The boy never forgot how the Avengers helped him. Even when he was brought into their war 8 years later.

The boy's name was Peter Parker.

So the timeline I used was that he was 15 in civil war which would make him about 7 during the first avengers movie. Since homecoming takes place 8 years after the first movie, and civil war takes place just before homecoming.

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