The Blip

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Distance learning SUUUUUCCCCKKKKKSSSSS. Today is technically supposed to be my day off because of how our school board set everything up, but I didn't finish my English from Monday so I have to do it today :( plus read 8 chapters of my ISU because I wasn't feeling well last night and didn't want to read.

So this is an odd one... my family is rewatching the Marvel movies in order and this idea struck me while watching Infinity war. I don't suggest reading this if you have not watched Infinity War or Endgame. It's set in the time between the two movies, but there will probably be spoilers for both. IDK how this is gonna go, just one of those things that are stuck in my head and I want to write I guess.

It was over... Thanos had won... 

Tony Stark had returned to Earth two weeks ago. So many people had died, the world was dark and desolate. No one had any hope.

The Avengers decided that though many people had vanished, they needed to honour everyone who had done so trying to save the world. Everyone on planet Earth was tuned in to the same broadcast, everyone wanted to know who was gone.

A memorial was currently underway to honour everyone who vanished, but these heroes deserved special recognition. 

The broadcast room was silent, despite the many people in the room. All of the Avengers were sitting on chairs on the stage, save Tony, who was still in medical care. Steve Rogers walked over to the podium and sighed.

"We all have lost," he said, looking directly into the camera, "Mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, friends."

"Today we recognize those who went down fighting. Those who tried with everything they had to prevent this. We will not let any of them die in vain. We are all deeply devastated by this tragedy. Know that through all this, we will not give up hope. We desperately want them back. And we will stop at nothing to do so."

"Here are some of the names of those who vanished fighting in Wakanda. King T'challa The black panther, Wanda Maximoff The red witch, James Barnes The winter soldier," and on and on Steve went on, reading names off the list he had in front of him; one sole tear rolling down the side of his face. As each name was read off, a picture of the vanished warrior was shown on the screen.

Steve looked up again at the cameras, "We now recognize those who went to the planet Titan to fight Thanos himself. Including a group of heroes known as the Guardians of the Galaxy." 

"Peter Quill known also as Starlord, Drax the Destroyer, Mantis of the planet Ego, Groot, Gamora of the planet Zen-Whoberi, Doctor Stephen Strange, and Peter Parker known as Spiderman."

Many of the people in the room and around the world were in shock when they saw how young Spiderman was. In a school in New York, where each class was watching the broadcast, some students were in shock Peter? Peter Parker? The nerd? He was Spiderman?

Steve continued talking, bringing everyone's attention back to him. "We recognize that some of these people vanished, and some died in other ways. We hope that the memory of these fighters will not fade away, just as the memories of the vanishing will never fade away. Thank you."

The Avengers left the room, some with tears in their eyes. The camera crews ended their broadcast and packed up their things to leave.

5 years later

The world had gone back to normal, or as normal as normal can be given the circumstances. School was back in session, and many people had forgotten about the broadcast.

Peter was sitting at his desk, half-asleep in history class. They were watching a documentary about The Blip, Peter knew all about it already. He didn't need to pay attention. He could probably tell the documentary more about what happened than the documentary could tell him. Not to be egotistical or anything.

"Three brave fighters from Earth went to the planet Titan in a distant solar system, where they joined forces with a group called the Guardians of the Galaxy to..."

Peter was vaguely paying attention, doodling on a piece of paper when suddenly something caught his attention.

"The three fighters' names were Doctor Stephen Strange a sorcerer, Tony Stark known as Ironman, and Peter Parker known as Spiderman, who was 17 at the time."

Peter's classmates turned to him, flushing a deep red, he said, "Wasn't me, must be some other Peter Parker."

"The following are scenes of the battle on planet Titan given to our team and recorded by the camera on Mr. Stark's suit to add to the documentary and better tell the story."

The class watched as clips from the spaceship were shown, the encounter with the guardians played out, the heroes discussed the stakes of the battle, and the eventual fight with Thanos before he took the fifth stone and left.

Peter's classmates flat out stared at him now, not even caring about how weird it was. their classmate was an Avenger.

They saw how he fought Thanos, they saw what he did and what was actually at risk. 

MJ nudged Peter's shoulder and glanced up at her. "Must be some other Peter Parker, eh?"

Peter looked down again in embarrassment. So much for a secret identity.

The worst part was that the documentary was created before all of the vanished people had been brought back. So the directors didn't hold back in throwing in all the information they had gathered. They fully believed that no one was coming back.

On the bright side, no more having to keep secrets made life much easier. Although it made trying to get a sandwich harder.

It was just how life was now. And he wouldn't change it if he could.

Well... he'd probably bring Tony back. that was something he would change in a heartbeat.

I wasn't quite sure how to end this. I only had a vague idea in my mind. Sorry it's so short... I kinda just whipped it out to give you something (I didn't even proofread it so if you find a mistake please tell me), and I'm procrastinating reading Macbeth. Like seriously, act 4 scene 3 is soooo boring. idk what's even going on. Stay safe. Wash your hands. Eat a cookie.

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