Chapter 9: The Kingswin Twins

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If Ahmed had been trying to sow the seeds of suspicion, thought Oscar, then he has definitely succeeded. Oscar now heard everything differently, saw everything differently. Everything that his teachers told him, he now had trouble believing. Oscar had always harboured a strong dislike for the Shielder's Militia, for taking away his parents and quite possibly his sister too. It was this that set Oscar apart from other kids in the city. Ahmed had in truth chosen the right person to share this information.

Ahmed had shown them the way out of the forest and back to Damakis City. On the way, he taught Oscar and Dare how to recognise the landmarks in the forest, so that they could find their way back 'when the time is right'. Whatever that meant. Ahmed's vague, enigmatic responses were really beginning to get on Oscar's nerves. And he still hadn't shown them his so called 'proof' of his claims. Dare believed him, but Oscar still suspected that he was at least a little bit crazy.

Oscar hated Ahmed. Maybe that was wrong, maybe Ahmed was right and his hatred was unjustified, nothing but dogma. But whatever the case, Oscar thought it best that they should just pretend that they had never met the Swordsman. Dare disagreed.

“What if he's right?” he asked Oscar as they walked home. “What if there really is a way to end the war?”

Oscar shrugged. “Maybe he is, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous, not to mention a Swordsman.” Oscar argued. He shrugged. “I just don't trust him.”

Dare decided to let the matter drop for now. He knew how stubborn Oscar was, but maybe he could convince him over time. But, Dare decided, it's probably best just to leave it unspoken for a while.

As they headed further towards their homes on the outskirts of Damakis City, they passed two young girls sitting on the side of the road. Oscar and Dare didn't know them as everyone did, just as the 'Kingswin Twins'. No one ever really bothered to learn which was which, except for Oscar and Dare. The boys had grown up being friends with the Kingswin twins, Liana and Sansu, ever since they had met as young children.

Dare waved them over, and the two girls smiled and walked over in step with each other. It was this habit of doing things perfectly synchronised that made people always view them as a single entity, rather than two separate people. They both had dark brown hair, however Sansu always wore hers in two plaits, while Liana left hers out. It was often this that people used to tell them apart from a distance.

“Hello Oscar,” said Sansu.

“Hello Dare,” said Liana.

Liana's voice was higher, and softer, while Sansu's was a little lower and clearer. Liana was slightly taller, and walked more upright and gracefully. Sansu was a little shorter, and tended to walk a bit differently. It was this kind of small differences that most people didn't bother to notice.

Sansu began to talk, telling the boys about the dream she'd had last night. She always had extremely vivid dreams, and Oscar always loved to hear about them. This particular one was about an assassin and a pursuer. Oscar had always said that she should write them down. Liana, however, was especially quiet, even for her. Dare noticed this, and while Sansu continued to unfold her story, he took Liana's arm and led her away from the others.

“Is everything okay?” he asked gently. He had always had a particular soft spot for her, and treated her like the little sister he never had. He always made an effort to look out for her, but this was becoming more difficult as they saw the twins less and less.

Liana kept quiet for a while, before saying very quietly, “Madame Jade has always refused to show me what my future holds. She'll do a reading for anyone else, for a price, but she never allowed me to see mine, until yesterday. And she told me my future had... bad things.”

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