Chapter 15: Blade of mercy

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Dare swore, and moved just in time to avoid being hit by a sword that was expertly thrown at his head. That's right, thrown. A heavy, iron sword, thrown at him as if it weighed nothing.

Ahmed was charging at the guardians, sword in hand, before any of the others had a chance to move. He clashed swords with the first of the two, the shrieking sound of metal on metal ringing out through the cavern. It mixed with the sound of Sansu's crying, and the sound of all of their footsteps, all echoing until the noise level was deafening.

Oscar ran forward with his sword up too, although he was barely trained to use it. Ahmed had been giving him tips and advice on how to use it, and had promised to give him training, but so far Oscar was still a novice. No matter, sometimes bravery was more important than skill anyway.

Dare was right by his side, as always. He was definitely well trained, that's for sure. Shielder skills had been drilled into them since they were young, not to mention he had trained with his older brothers. Dare was no stranger to combat, although he had never quite been as panicked or scared before. Not like this.

Ahmed swung his sword like the expert he was, his blond ponytail flicking as he spun around, taking both of the attackers at once. It was impossible not to admire his skill, although maybe not right now. Right now, nothing was on their minds other than survival.

Suddenly, the first of the guardians held a gloved hand to it's throat, and fell to the floor. Blood began to pool around it's body, and Oscar could now clearly see the cut on it's throat. Ahmed had landed a blow. Despite himself, Oscar froze.

The guardian was going to die. That much was obvious. As much as he feared for his own safety and the safety of the others, he couldn't move. Couldn't take his eyes off the body on the ground near his feet. He was dying. He felt a hand yank his arm back, and he was broken out of his stupor.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" shouted Dare.

"I..I..." Oscar was going to reply, but Dare was already gone, once more diving into the battle between Ahmed and the remaining guardian. This guardian showed no emotion or care whatsoever that his companion now lay dying on the ground.

Oscar felt another, gentler hand on his shoulder, manoeuvring him. "Outta my way, kiddo," said Dakora, pushing past him. "You may want to cover your eyes."

Oscar didn't heed her warning, he was too focused on the dead guardian. It made him sick to the stomach, seeing death like that. He only looked up when Dakora's hands seemed to be on fire.

Except they weren't burnt. It was like she was holding fire in her hands. With her eyes closed, she brought her hands together, forming a fireball in between her palms. Oscar could feel the intense heat radiating from where she was standing, and it was almost blindingly bright. She lifted the fireball up above her head, where it grew larger and larger. And then, she aimed it at where Ahmed and the guardian were fighting.

"Ahmed! Now!" she cried.

Ahmed must have immediately known what she meant, because he grabbed Dare by the shoulder pulled both of them to safety, barely in time. Dakora released the fireball, and it flew at an incredible speed towards the guardian,who screamed from beneath his mask when it made contact. The flames engulfed him, his clothing and armour catching fire immediately.

Still on fire, he turned and ran, his screams continuing as he ran away. Dakora collapsed onto the ground in exhaustion, it must have taken an enormous effort for her to make that fireball. "He won't get far," she said.

Ahmed sighed and leant against the wall. He had a few scratches and bruises, but otherwise looked fine.

The gasping breaths of the guardian on the ground could still be heard, he wasn't quite dead yet. Ahmed walked over, and pulled off the guardians helmet. Oscar walked over too, unsure of what to do. It greatly unsettled him, seeing this man's suffering, even if he had just been the one attacking them.

When the guardian's helmet came off, Oscar was surprised to see that the person underneath was young, only a few years older than him. He had dirty blond hair, and blue eyes, and his eyes betrayed his fear. He was bleeding out of his mouth and blood covered his skin from his face to his chest, which was heaving, and the expression he wore was one of hatred and agony.

"Death," he gasped. "to heretics. Death to traitors of the rule."

Ahmed lifted his sword, and plunged it into the boy's chest.

Oscar gasped and recoiled at this sudden violence. The boy's face immediately went still, his wide eyes glazing over.

Ahmed stood up, and stared down at Oscar. "It was a mercy killing," he told him."The boy was in pain. I made his death swift."

Oscar nodded, but he found it hard to stomach. The boy was dead. Because of them. Did he have a family? People to return to? They would never know. Ahmed offered him a hand to help him up, and he accepted.

"You'll get used to it, kid," he said,not unkindly. Oscar hoped he never would.


They buried the boy just outside the cavern entrance. It didn't seem right to just leave his body out for the animals to take. There was nothing marking the grave, no tombstone, no grieving family members. It was the saddest thing Oscar had ever seen.

Meanwhile, Sansu had not said a word since they were attacked. The sun was now coming up behind the trees, it's rays creeping out from behind the horizon and casting long shadows. Ahmed suggested that they might as well pack up their campsite and move, seeing as they weren't going to get any more sleep.

Dare, observing the blanket of gloom that hung over them, tried to lighten the mood slightly. He had an odd half distraught and half amused expression on his face, as he held up a few burnt strands of his long hair for Dakora to see.

"You burnt my hair!" he laughed. "Your fireball actually burnt my hair." Dakora laughed half-heartedly.

However, it wasn't enough to make the others crack a smile. Oscar would never forget this day, he made a vow to himself. He made a note of the date. He would remember that boy every year on this day, because he knew that no one else would. Every life deserves to be remembered, no matter what kind of life it was.


Miles away, battles were being fought. On the border of Damakis and it's neighbouring land, Zetacos, Swordsmen and Shielders waged a war.

A young man with chestnut brown hair and green eyes leant against a wall, enjoying his break. He was a Shielder, from the north-east part of Damakis City. And he wanted nothing more than to get back there.

He had enlisted voluntarily, but now he wished he could take it back. So, so much. There was nothing he wanted more in this world than to go home to his brothers. He wanted it so desperately, to get away from his miserable. Pulling a pen from his pocket, he began to draft a letter to his brothers.

'To Xander, Sidney, Sol & Nico,

My brothers, I know you haven't heard from me in a while. Tell our parents that I'm sorry about that too. I couldn't bring myself to write to you and tell you how horrible it is here. I know that's not what you were expecting, but it's the truth.

Xander, I hope you're keeping up with your studies. You always were the hard-worker, and the over-achiever. Go off and become a doctor or a scientist or something.

Sidney, I know how desperately you want to join me here. But please brother, I'm begging you. Don't come. It's not as they told us. Nothing is. You hear me? Nothing. And for god's sake, get a haircut. It's too long.

Sol, look after your two older brothers. They're both idiots and they need looking after. But don't be too serious, okay? I hope your okay, and that you're happy.

Nico,little buddy, I'm doing my best to get home to you. I bet you've grown a lot since I last saw you, haven't you? I bet you're real tall now.

I want to be home soon, but it doesn't look as if I will be.

Your big brother,

Jackson Dare'

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