Interlude III

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2 years ago, North-East Damakis City

Dare was trying hard to crack the ice under his feet. Winter had announced its arrival, and the small lake near their home had frozen over, killing any opportunities to go fishing or skim stones. He was throwing large rocks as hard as he could at the surface of the lake, but had only managed to crack a small hole in the ice, about a metre in diameter.

"What the hell are you doing?" said a voice behind him.

He turned. It was Jackson, striding towards him. His coat collar was turned up against the wind, and his hands were buried deep in his pockets.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm trying to crack the ice so I can fish."

"Why are you here?"

"Because I want to fish. I would have thought that was obvious from what I just said."

Jackson sighed. "You know what I mean. You're meant to be at school, you do realise that?"

"I do."

"So, why aren't you?" Jackson smirked.

Dare looked at his feet. "Because I hate school."

"You know that Father will kill you if he finds out."

"You going to tell him?"

"Of course not."

They lapsed into silence. The icy wind was making Jackson shiver, even rugged up as he was. The cold didn't seem to be affecting Dare though, who just stood there in short sleeves, no coat. Dare never seemed to feel the cold much.

At that moment, a familiar face walked past, Louise. There was quite a resemblance between her and her brother, both of them shared a pale complexion, amber-coloured eyes and thick, dark hair. Louise and Oscar Escalante were alike in a lot of ways. And Jackson had had a crush on Louise ever since they were little kids. He waved to her, and she waved back, smiling, before continuing on her way. She always had a nice smile. He looked like he wanted to tell her so, but he didn't.

Instead he sighed. "Someday I'm going to work up the nerve to tell her how I feel," he told Dare.

Dare snorted. "No you won't. You've been saying that for years"

Jackson stared after Louise. "Someday, Sidney. Someday I will."

"Sure, sure."

"I think I'll marry her one day."

Dare laughed. "She's way too pretty for you. No girl like that is going to marry you, of all people."

Jackson smirked. "You underestimate my charming personality."

"That's because you don't have one."

"What happened to your other glove?" Jackson asked, noticing that his brother was only wearing the right one, nothing on his left hand.

Dare shrugged. "Lost it somewhere."

"You'll get frostbite."

"Whatever. You'd enjoy it if I did."

"Yes, I would. I would take great delight in seeing you lose a hand as a result of your own stupidity. That would make my day," Jackson laughed.

Dare cracked a smile. "Sometimes I really hate you, you know that?"

Jackson laughed again. "I know, and the feeling is mutual, brother. I've hated you ever since you were born."

Dare laughed. "I'm sure you have."

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