Author's Note

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Fear not, this is not the end of the tale! The start of Defying Equilibrium: Book II will be posted very shortly. I had so much fun writing all of this and there will be loads to come, so thank you for being faithful readers thus far! I know there aren't many people reading this, but to those who are, I thank you.

I have been making this entire book up as I go along, which is why the style of writing is more episodic than what I might usually write. At this point in time, I have absolutely no freakin' idea where the hell my story is going, or how it will end. Or even when it will end. Or even who will be alive to see the end....

I basically came up with the concept of this story because I was sick to death of nearly all of the books on the YA shelves of every bookshop following the same basic plot, with very similar characters and very similar cheesy romances. It's as if all books written for teens nowadays are either 'girl meets boy, dislikes boy at first, girl finds out she has magical powers or something of the like, the boy gets the girl and together they overcome some obstacles of their magical world and for some reason their love is always “forbidden” but it happens anyway' OR 'normal, usually rich, girl in dystopian society meets rebel boy and together they overthrow the whole freaking society with nothing but the power of their forbidden romance'. 

Obviously there are exceptions, but these two plot outlines seem to be the basis of nearly every book nowadays, so instead of writing romance I decided to build a story based around friendship. The kind of friendship where one person is willing to die for the other, the kind of loyalty which I personally don't think exists enough in today's society. I also did not want this story to be a complete sunshine-rainbows-smiling-kittens-happy ending, if you get what I mean. Luck will not be in the favour of my characters, and shit happens. My story is rough and imperfect, and whether the characters will succeed in the end remains to be seen. That's the kind of story I prefer, rather than tacked on romances and perfection. I'm probably not making a huge amount of sense right now, but oh well. This is an author's note, it doesn't have to make sense.

Anyway, I hope my attempt paid off, and people actually enjoyed reading my story. If they didn't, well, I enjoyed writing it anyway. I have always been able to start stories, but this is the first book I've ever finished. Achievement! 

 For those who don't know, the character of Sansu is based off my friend @susanherondale, and like Susan, Sansu is extremely clumsy, cannot ride a horse, hates messy hair and has extremely vivid dreams. The character of her twin, Liana, was based off my friend @imtarisvine, and like the character she is shy, quiet and has a tendency to worry too much, and is also a hypochondriac. The character of Dakora, a sarcastic magic-user, is based off my wattpad friend @theatregirl24601. Madame Jade was also named after my friend @jadewritesastory, and the relationship between Louise and Oscar is partly based on myself and my younger brother.

The next book, like this one, might be a little slow to update at first because I am currently working on a few stories at once. (Which reminds me, please check out my latest story, The One Way Road! If you liked DE, I think you'll like it. And check out my li'l bro's story, Death Six.)

I love getting people involved in creating my characters, so if you have an idea for a character or you want a character based off yourself, just let me know! I love including others in my story-creation process and I will be introducing new main characters into book 2, so if you want to be involved feel free to PM me.

Thanks for reading, and please stay tuned for BOOK 2!!!


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