Chapter 21: The traveller

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It was him. The dreamwalker. Oscar knew that the calling voice sounded familiar, but it hadn't clicked until he had seen his face, his instantly recognisable face. Oscar wouldn't forget that face as long as he lived. Silas.

“Thank heavens you found me,” the boy sighed. “I've been calling out for ages and no one has come past.” He had a bloodstained bandage and a splint wrapped around one leg. “I just need a lift to the nearest town.” The boy did not show any sign of recognition when his gaze fell on Oscar.

Oscar was more than suspicious, he was downright convinced that this was a trap, or something like it. This was definitely the boy who had visited him a few nights ago, he knew that for sure. But what was he doing here? Was it pure coincidence? Luck? No, Oscar decided. This is no coincidence.

“Well we can help, we have a spare horse after all,” suggested Dakora. She looked to Ahmed for confirmation before helping Silas to stand.

“Wait!” Oscar cried, unable to help himself. As soon as he spoke, he wished he hadn't. He couldn't tell the others how he knew who Silas was without making himself sound insane. “We...we don't know who this guy is....”

Dare looked him quizzically. “No we don't, but he needs our help. And it's not far to the nearest town either. Are you feeling alright?”

Oscar forced himself to nod, but inside he felt incredibly uneasy. If this boy just turned out to be simply an innocent traveller who injured his leg, then he really was insane. He had seen this boy in his dreams, almost like a premonition. But if this dreamwalker stuff was true, then they had a serious problem on their hands.

Dakora and Dare helped the boy onto Nita, the horse that was originally meant for Sansu. The boy was a bit too big for the horse, but Nita would be fine if they didn't go too far or too fast. As Oscar swung himself back onto Belladonna's back, Ahmed gave him a long, hard stare, as if to ask him what he meant before. Oscar looked away, and they kept on their way.

“So who are you exactly, and how did you injure your leg?” Dakora asked the boy. They were moving at a much slower pace now.

“Riess Lirafas is the name. I'm from a small town to the South of the border between Damakis and Zetacos. When the border skirmish spread towards our home, my family and I decided to leave and head North. But my family, they....they didn't survive the journey. I nearly didn't either. We were attacked, and my family were killed. I'm not sure how I escaped with only a broken leg, the whole thing is a blur to be honest.”

“I'm so sorry,” said Dakora sympathetically. “I shouldn't have asked.”

He waved it away. “No, you have a right to know these things. You were kind enough to give me a lift, after all.”

“How long were you waiting on the road for?” Dakora asked.

He sighed. “I was waiting there for two days.”

Oscar, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation, noted with a frown that this was the same amount of time since he had the dream. Riess, if that was his real name and not a false one, was nothing like the boy he had met in the dreamscape. The boy he met then, Silas, was sarcastic, cocky and superior, and seemed like he couldn't sit still. This boy, Riess, was humble, good-natured and serene. Maybe I am crazy, thought Oscar

“I used to have two sisters, both younger than me.” Oscar heard Riess say, tuning back into the conversation between Riess and Dakora. “Melissa and Gina, those are their names. Were their names. I'm still getting used to changing everything to past tense,” he said sadly.

Oscar couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy, but then he remembered that this was the same boy who had freaked him out so much a few nights ago. Or was it?

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