Chapter 25: Intentions

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Revenge? thought Dare, what is he on about? “Revenge for what? We didn't do anything to you! Except, you know, save your life and all!”

Silas groaned. “Why are you all such idiots? Not revenge on you, nitwit. Revenge on the people who did this to me! Who made me who I am!”

“Made you?”

“I wasn't always like this, you know. I didn't always live this cursed existence of only half a life. Riess was a normal kid once, and then they did this to me! To us! And Riess has no idea, he has no memory of it. They are the ones who forced me into existence, who created a soul out of Riess's forgotten memories, forgotten pain. I have come to make them pay for it.”

Dare was now more curious than anything. He had been so suspicious of Silas, because of what Oscar had told him, because of the dreams. But now he knew that something terrible must have happened to Riess in the past, and now he was beginning to feel...sorry for him?

“What...what did they do to you? How can a soul be created?” Dare asked, more confused than ever.

Silas glared at him. “That is not a tale to be told lightly. It is not of your concern.” Dare knew that that was the best answer he would get, and he knew not to ask again from the look on Silas's face.

“Fine then. But what does all of this have to do with us?”

Silas sighed. “I cannot tell you that. There would be no way to reveal that to you without telling you my whole life story, short as it is, and I'm not willing to tell you that. Talk is cheap.”

Dare scowled. “If you can't even tell me how we fit into your supposed 'revenge' than I see no reason to take you with us to the next town. And with your leg, there's no way you'll get there without us.”

Silas thought this over, and Dare could see that the boy was seeing the sense in what he was saying. Dare couldn't make up his mind as to whether he wanted to believe Silas or not. On one hand, he wanted Silas to be telling the truth about everything, so that he could really believe that there wasn't some sadistic ulterior motive behind his actions. On the other hand, he was finding it increasingly hard to believe Silas's extremely confusing tale was the complete truth, and he was still wary of the kid.

“If I tell you,” Silas began after a while, “then you have to take me with you. I have a pretty good idea if where you're all headed, and I want in.”

“Talk and we'll see,” came a voice from the shadows. Ahmed walked around the corner in his usual soundless way, and from the look on his face it was clear that he had been listening for a while. His blue eyes were focused on Silas, who laughed.

“That was quite stupid of me, not checking for eavesdroppers.” Silas laughed to himself. “That's a mistake I would have expected one of you to make. I thought better of myself.”

Ahmed looked at him, face devoid of emotion. “Start talking,” he commanded.

“And if I don't?” Silas sneered.

Ahmed's sword was out of his sheath before Silas even had time to draw a breath, and it rested lightly on his throat. Silas's eyes widened at the gleam of the sword when it caught the light, but he only seemed surprised, not scared.

“Are you threatening me, Swordsman? A poor, injured traveller?”

“Talk,” Ahmed commanded once more. Dare tried not too look at the blade and imagine that the sword responsible for his brother's death would have looked exactly the same.

Silas sighed. “Well, I don't really have a choice now, do I? I never thought that these were your methods, Swordsman. Death threats seem a bit sinister for you. Alright, I'll talk, but you two better just shut up and listen. No interruptions, okay?” Dare nodded.

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