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All I can remember. Little by little, other similar memories return. Suddenly, I feel something different.


The weakness, hopelessness, and everything disappears. Regaining consciousness, I open my eyes. Lloyd's mother, Misako, is asleep in a wooden chair across from the hard table I am laying on. The ninja are nowhere in sight. Now fully awake, I move from one uncomfortable position to another until I finally give up and raise myself into a sitting position.

"YES! Ha! I won!" Suddenly comes from another room.

"Kai, that was my character. I won."

"What!? NOOOOO!"

I can't help but giggle at the ninja's argument. Why do I feel so strange? I ask myself. I haven't felt like this in a long time. A soft groan comes from somewhere next to me on the floor. Out of curiosity, I peek over the edge of my makeshift bed.

"Lloyd?!" I say on accident.

"Huh?" He immediately sits straight up.

"Oh..did I say that out loud?"

"Hey! You're awake!" He responds. I just smile at his reaction. For whatever reason, he is so cute right after he wakes up. Must be his hair. I think while staring at the blonde mess on his head as he gets up.


"Guys! You'd better get your breakfast before we eat it all!" Lloyd shouts.

"Just one more game?" The blue ninja yells back.

"No, Jay," Lloyd responds. The smell of fresh pancakes and bacon begin to make my mouth water. Just as in about to get up, Misako motions for me to lay back down.

"Let me check your injuries one more time," she tells me. I finally notice I am wearing a different outfit.

"It was Skylor's old shirt," Misako says, as if she is reading my mind. Creepy.

I watch her carefully remove each bloody bandage and clean up even the smallest cuts. As she replaces the old bandages with new ones, a sudden thought comes to me. Why are they caring for me? I hurt all of them. Why would they even bother to help me in the first place?

"Umm..Thank you...?" I say, a little awkwardly.

"You're welcome, Harumi." She replies. Across the room, Lloyd stands with a look of uncertainty on his face.


I have to tell him. I say to myself. I have to apologize. This is all my fault. I slowly walk over to where he is clearing the dishes off of the table.

"Lloyd..." I say

"What?" He replies coldly.

"I-uhm, I'm—"

"Wait," he interrupts, lacking any emotion in his voice. After tossing  the remaining plates into the sink, he grabs my arm, leading me to his room. He locks the door and turns to me with his arms crossed.

"Well?" He asked.

"Lloyd, I'm...I'm sorry," I tell him. Without another word, he spins around and stomps off toward the door, making sure to slam it behind him, leaving me completely shocked.


Word Count: 568

~{Please Forgive Me}~ A Ninjago Llorumi FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now