Green Ninja

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3rd POV

"Close your eyes," Lloyd told Harumi. They had been walking around Ninjago City for a few minutes now. Harumi did as she was told and Lloyd placed his hands on her shoulders, guiding her down a sidewalk before turning a corner and suddenly stopping.

"Alright," Lloyd said. "Open your eyes now." Harumi did as he said, and gasped when she saw right in front of them was a large ice skating rink.

"I thought it'd be fun," Lloyd explained.

"It has been a while," Harumi responded with a light laugh. The two walked over to a table set up with pairs of ice skates. Harumi picked a simple white pair, and Lloyd decided on a black pair with electric green designs. He gave the cashier some cash and led Harumi to a wooden bench.

Lloyd and Rumi sat down on the wooden bench and slipped on their skates. Lloyd finished quickly, but Harumi was having some trouble tying hers.

"Here, let me help you," Lloyd knelt down and tied it for her.

"Thanks Lloyd," Harumi smiled up at him.

"No problem Rumi," Lloyd gave her a little smile, extending his hand to help her up. She allowed him to walk her to the entrance, but once she stepped onto the ice, she turned out to be much faster and smoother than Lloyd.

The two skated in silence for a while, except for occasionally laughing at the other falling, until Harumi decided to teasingly skate in a circle around Lloyd.

"Hey!" Lloyd began to get frustrated when Rumi wouldn't let him out of her circle, but he burst out laughing when she slipped and fell backwards.

"Oww" she said, but laughed along with Lloyd anyway. He grabbed her hand, pulling her up and skating with her again while holding hands. A few times, one of them would lose their balance, causing the other to fall down on top of them.


"Whew, I'm tired," Harumi told Lloyd. Both were out of breath from skating.

"Me too," Lloyd responded, lifting his arm to check the time. He was shocked to see that they had been skating for nearly two hours.

"You want to skate some more or..?" Lloyd asked.

"No, I'm exhausted," Harumi laughed lightly.

"In that case," Lloyd smirked. "RACE YOU TO THE GATE!" He immediately skated toward the entrance.

"Hey!" Harumi shouted, racing after him. In the end, Lloyd won though.

"No fair! You had a head start!" Harumi complained.

"Okay, okay! You won then!" Lloyd replied, laughing. The two sat down on the same bench to take off their skates. Lloyd returned both pairs and thanked the cashier.

Lloyd and Harumi walked back down the sidewalk in silence, still out of breath from skating around.

"I'm starving," Harumi finally breaks the silence, looking up at Lloyd.

"Me too," He replied. "What sounds good?"

"Hmmm," Harumi thought before answering. "Something like- Oh! Chen's noodle house!" Harumi pointed at the large restaurant across the street.

"Mmm, perfect!" Lloyd took Harumi's hand and crossed the busy street with her. As soon as they entered, a familiar redhead greeted them and led the two over to a table near a large front window.

"Wait- Skylor?" Harumi asked, surprised. "You work here?"

"Yeah," Skylor giggled. "Only a few hours a day though." Lloyd and Rumi sat down while Skylor continued to tell us about her job. Eventually, she asked if we wanted anything to eat.

"Spaghetti?" Lloyd looked over at me and asked. I nodded in reply.

"With meatballs?" Skylor asked, writing down our order.

"Duh," Lloyd replied, making both girls laugh. Skylor walked to the kitchen while Lloyd and Harumi continued talking and laughing with each other.

Soon enough, Skylor brought back two large plates of spaghetti, and of course, meatballs.

"Eat up!" Skylor told the two, walking back and letting the two enjoy their time together.

"She always makes good food," Lloyd informed Rumi before shoving an entire meatball in his mouth. Harumi giggled, twirling her spaghetti with her fork.


"Mmm," Lloyd said, pushing his empty plate back. Harumi, unlike Lloyd, ate her pasta before her meatballs, and had just finished her last one. Lloyd looked over his shoulder, out the large window and at the sky.

"It's getting kinda late," he said, turning back to Harumi. "You want to go yet?"

"Yeah, sure," Harumi shrugged. Just then, Skylor came back to take their empty plates and silverware. Lloyd reached into his front pocket, pulling out a black leather wallet.

"Don't worry," Skylor stopped him. "It's free. But only because you finally got a girlfriend!"

"What! We aren't- I mean, we—" Lloyd's face turned red as he tried to explain. Skylor had already walked off, laughing.

"Let's go," Lloyd spoke quietly to Rumi. She nodded, getting up and following Lloyd out the door. Harumi thought for a while about what Skylor had told Lloyd as they walked through Ninjago City in silence.

"Lloyd," Harumi finally spoke. "You know...I wouldn't mind it..."

"What? B-being boyfriend and...girlfriend?" Lloyd blushed even more.

"Yes.." Harumi replied.

"We'd have to keep it a secret though," Lloyd reminded her.

"Yeah," Harumi agreed.

"So..., it's official?"

"Yes," Harumi replied while nodding.

Lloyd continued to smile at her. Slowly, they leaned their heads together until their foreheads touched. Lloyd slowly closed his eyes, and Harumi did the same only seconds later. Their lips were hardly centimeters apar–

"Hey! Isn't that the green ninja?"


Word Count: 910

~{Please Forgive Me}~ A Ninjago Llorumi FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now