5 Months later
I've been pregnant for 6 months now. We found out we're expecting a baby boy. Lip really wanted a girl but both of us are really happy.
I have a decent job and I've been saving money to get our own place. We're going to look at apartments today."What time are we meeting the realtor today?" I ask Lip as I walk downstairs
"Around 12" He says, taking a sip of coffee
"We're really becoming adults huh?"
"Yes we are and there's no one I'd rather do this crazy thing called life with" he says, hugging me
"Me either" I reply
We enjoy the last few moments of silence before his sibling come parading down the steps.
I suddenly go white and Lip looks at me
"Babe? Whats wrong?"
I don't reply but run to the downstairs bathroom
"Morning sickness" I hear Fiona tell Lip
I nod in agreement, walking out of the bathroomWe hear the front door open and a very drunk Frank walks in
"What do you want, Frank" Fiona asks
"Can a man get some respect in his own house?"
"It's not your house" Ian says
"Woah. Sky, you've gotten big! Adding a few pounds huh?" He asks
Lip stands in front of me, ready to fight his dad
"She's pregnant, you fucking idiot" Lip says
"See, I knew she was cheating"
"It's my kid, you bastard" Lip replies
"And you're letting her keep it?"
"Of course." He says
"Frank you should go" Fiona says
"No, no I want to hear what else he has to say about me, Fi" I say, smirking at her
"Ya know. I never liked you, Holland. You're just like your mother. You run from your problems and you're probably gonna leave this kid and leave Lip to be a drunk"
"If anyone is gonna cause him to be a drunk it's you." I reply
"That's not true"
"Addiction is passed down. Ian got his bipolar from fucking Monica, and Lip got his alcoholism from you. Just like I'll probably get it from my dad, and how I get my depression from my mom"
The argument is stopped when V and Kev walk in
"I think your sister is our foster kid" they say, pointing at me
I turn to Lip
"Can. Can I talk to her?" I ask
"Of course"
I run, well more like waddle, over to their house, Lip and everyone close behind
"Hey. Mackenzie, right?" I ask
"I'm Skylar. What's your last name?"
"Small world! So is mine!"
"Who are your mom and dad?" She asks
"Rebecca and Micheal Holland"
"Are-are you serious?"
I nod
"They're mine too"
"Well, I think we're sisters" I say, smiling
"Are you pregnant?"
"Yes" I say
"Is it his?"She says, pointing to Lip
"Uh yeah. How'd you know"
"From the short time of you two being here. I can tell he loves you, have you seen how he looks at you?"
"You're very smart for a 10 year old" Lip says
"I know" she replies
"And she got your sass" Ian says
"Of course she did" Kev says, laughing
"Now you have to put up with two Sky's" I sayI walked up to Mackenzie's room with her to talk in private
"How old were you when they gave you up?" She asks
"I was 2. They sent me to live with my Aunt" I say
"Why didn't they send me to her?"
"She died, 7 months ago" I say
"I was put in the foster system last year. Micheal started to drink again.And they both would hit me"
He's dead I say to myself
"I told my teacher that they both hit me, that I would go days without food, so she called CPS. And now I'm here"
"I'm so sorry, Mackenzie."
"Can you adopt me? Like after the baby comes"
"Maybe. Just maybe. I'll have to talk to Lip"
"Lips your boyfriend right?"
"Yeah." I say
"Do you love him?"
"Of course. I've loved him since I was 13" I say
"How old are you now?"
"I'm about to turn 20"
"How long have you two been together?"
"Almost a year."
"Well, I better unpack" she says
I kiss her head and hug her, walking back down to the rest of the group
"Lip can we go home? We have to meet the realtor and I need to talk to you"
He nods and grabs my hand as we walk to the house we're looking at
"They abused her. And I wasn't there. I was never there they-"
"Hey. Skylar look at me" He says, stopping dead in his tracks and lifting my chin so I'm looking at him
"You can't control their actions. It's not your fault that any of this happened. You have to realize that, my love. Okay? You didn't even know you had a sister until 9 months ago. It's okay. She doesn't blame you" he says
I nod as he brings my body towards his
"I love you." I say
" I love you too" He says as we approach the house. It wasn't too far from where we currently live. The dining room and living area are connected, there's a decent sized kitchen, and 3 bedrooms, along with a bathroom in the master room, and one next to it
"It's perfect" I say
"You really want it?"
"Yes" I say
"Good thing I already bought it"
"You did not!"
"I did" he says
I kiss him
"What would I do without you?" I ask
"Crash and burn, most likely"
"And what would you do without me"
"Drink myself to death" he replies rather quickly
"Mackenzie wants us to adopt her"I blurt out
"Baby we can't afford that"
"I know but maybe she can stay here, and when CPS visits she can act like she's with Kev and V"
"Maybe."He says
"Let's see how we can handle one" he says
I'm 9 months pregnant. I'm about to burst any moment now
"Lipppp" I say, waddling down the stairs
"Yes prego?"
"I'm having contractions" I say
"Are you sure they aren't Braxton Hicks?"
"I'm sure"
"Well let's go" He says, sending a group text to his family and Kev."Alright! Yes! From house to hospital in under seven minutes! We did it" Lip exclaims, pushing my wheelchair into the hospital waiting room
"Yes babe the hard part is truly over" I reply
"No but come on, that's gotta be some kinda record"
I roll my eyes
"Oh you made it!" Debbie says
"Hey guys" I say, looking at the group of amazing people in front of me
"Wait a minute how the hell did you beat us here?" Lip asks
"We took a cab, did you guys walk? Ian replies
"No-we took a cab"
"Hey you guys made it!" Mickey says
"Is there some kinda secret tunnel to this hospital?" Lip exclaims
"Lip you stay here I'm going to go have a baby" I say, wheeling myself away
"Okay okay. Um this is Skylar Holland, and I'm Phillip Gallagher, I uh called from the car?" Lip says to the nurse
"We have a semi-private room waiting for you." She replies
"Woah woah. We asked for a private room!" I say
"Yes, I see that here but those aren't guaranteed and we don't have any available"
"Man! Only if you had gotten here sooner" Mickey says, earning a middle finger from Lip
"I'm sorry, semi-private rooms are all we have"
"Right. Give us a second. Lip!"
"Give her some money. They're only holding them for the important people. What if I was the president?"
"Then we'd have a big problem because you don't know where any countries are"
He walks to the desk and asks for her to check again, holding a ten dollar bill
"This is a hospital"
"Okay. You know what? I don't care! This isn't the only hospital in Chicago! And we'd have no problem-ow"
"Ow! Ow! Contraction"
"Would you like to see some semi-private rooms?" The nurse asks
"It wouldn't hurt to look" I replyWe get to the room where my doctor checks how much I'm dilated
"Well, you're only two centimeters dilated. We're going to have to wait until you're at least to 10" she says, walking out
"I guess we have some time to kill" I say
"I guess so-oh look at these!" Lip says, putting his legs into the stirrups on the bed next to mine, as another couple walks in
They just stare at him.
Hi um, im lip and I'm sorry to ruin this magical day for you!" He says, getting up
"Oh no at all!"
"Don't worry about it!"
"I'm Ashton and this is my wife Paige!" The man, who I now know as Ashton says
"Is this your first?" Paige asks
We nod
"Little Jaime here is our third, so if you have any questions just ask"
"That's sweet" I say
"Umm I opened this earlier but I can close it" Lip says, pointing to the privacy screen
"Nonsense! We're all in this together" Ashton says
"Yeah we're gonna share every moment together!" Paige says
"Fantastic" I say, glancing at Lip
"Hey! Smile" he says, pointing the camera to lip and I
"No we don't want-" Lip says as the flash goes offPaige's doctor enters and shuts the curtain
"Paige is dilated seven centimeters. That's about three fingers" Ashton says
"Have you felt Skylars cervix yet Lip"
"Uh no"
"Well you can feel hers then mine to compare"
"Am I interrupting?" Fiona asks
"Yes! Thank you" Lip says
"Don't leave me here with- Lip! My child has no father" I say
"Hey Fi" I say
"I need to talk to you before the birth"
"Everything okay?"
"I brought you something, assuming you want it"
She hands me a velvet box
"It's Grandmas ring" she says
"Thanks Fi But I don't think Sky and I are in that place right now"
"Lip, please. Skylar isn't just some girl you picked up at a bar and ....humped"
"Fi I can't deal with this right now. I'm sorry"
"If you don't take the ring I'll talk more about humping"
Lip walks back into the room.
"So how's the new couple?" He asks
"They have interesting pet names for each other. Including... evil bitch and nasty bastard. Oh! Oh! Contraction!"
The women next to us says to her husband" are you looking at her?"
"Don't you look at her you sick bastard!"
"Honey I swear I'm not lookin at her"
"I'm gonna close this" Lip says, pulling the curtain closed
The husband peaks over the curtain
"Lip. Lip he's starting at me"
"Hey. Would you like to live to see the birth of this baby?"
"Don't talk to my husband that way you stupid bastard"
They soon take them out of the room and another couple enters
"Oh. My.God! Lip Gallagher!"

Peach Scone(Lip Gallagher)
Fanfiction"I love the thought of being with her, I just really hope that she doesn't get hurt"