I make my way to the Gallagher house, letter in hand
I walk in and holler for Ian and Lip.
"Sit" I say
I stand in front of them, tears brimming my eyes. I can't tell if they're happy tears because I've been accepted to my dream school, or sad tears because I'm leaving a new relationship and my best friend.
"A few months ago, I applied for Chicago School of Music, to pursue my singing. I didn't tell anyone because I didn't think I would be accepted. Well, I've been accepted. I start this fall."
Ian looks at Lip.
"I gotta go smoke"
"Why didn't you tell me Sky?" Ian asks, hurt
"I didn't even tell my aunt."
"Go talk to Lip."
I walk out and see Lip sitting on the stairs
"Why the fuck didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't tell anyone okay? I didnt think I'd get accepted."
"Well you did and now you're leaving me."
"Lip that's not true..."
"Yes it is. You're gonna go to school and forget all about the Gallagher's and the south side. Just admit it"
"I could never forget you, Lip"
"Yes you can and you will."
"Phillip Ronan Gallagher stop saying that"
"Saying what the truth?"
"Maybe this date was a mistake. Maybe we should've just stayed hating each other"
"Is that really what you think?"
"No but maybe it was"
"You know how I know it wasn't"
I just look at him
"Because tonight was the night I realized I'm in love with you"
"I'm in love with you Skylar Rayne Holland, And there's nothing you can do about it"
"Yeah there is"
I kiss him. We don't break apart until we need breath.
Our foreheads touching
"I'm never gonna forget you, Phillip Ronan Gallagher. Never in this lifetime or the next"
"Good, now go talk to my brother"
I walk inside and see Ian sitting on the couch
"Are you still going to be friends with me? I know that schools on the north side but-"
"Of course I'm still going to be friends with you. You've been there for since I could walk. Remember when we were 6 and I couldn't sleep, so you snuck out and gave me your favorite teddy bear?"
"Yeah, I remember that." He says, grinning
"You're my best friend, nothing is going to change that. Not even Lip. You're my person."
"You're my person too, Sky"
"I promise I'll never forget you. This house. Or the Gallagher's. Well maybe Frank but that's different"
That earns a laugh outta him.
"So you and Lip?"
"We went on one date and kissed 3 times, I don't know." I reply
"He really likes you Skylar." Ian says
"I know, he said he loved me outside"
"I'm not used to being loved, I don't know what to do."
"Well what'd you do when he said that?"
"Kissed him."
"That's usually what people do when they say I love you"
"I've only had one relationship and it was shit, I wouldn't know"
I get up and go check on Lip
"Hey you" He says
"Lip come inside. Me and Ian are gonna watch Friends and drink beers"
He just looks at
"Come on Gallagher"
"And afterwords you guys are gonna help me with my audition"
"But you already got in?"
"Yeah but you have to audition too"
"That's dumb"
"My audition is in like a week"After hours of watching tv, all the Gallagher's settle around the living room as I plan my audition.
"What song should I sing?"
"A MILLON REASONS" Debbie shouts
"Okay okay"
I play the karaoke version on my phone and sing the beginning
"You're giving me a million reasons to let you go,You're giving me a million reasons to quit the show,You're givin' me a million reasons,Give me a million reasons, Givin' me a million reasons, About a million reasons.If I had a highway, I would run for the hills
If you could find a dry way, I'd forever be still, But you're giving me a million reasons, Give me a million reasons, Givin' me a million reasons,About a million reasons"
"You're gonna ace this audition, Sky" Fiona says
Lip then gets up and walks outside, sad about something.
"I'll go" I say
"Lip? Hun what's wrong?"
"You're gonna pass the audition"
"Isn't that a good thing?" I ask
"Yes, but I don't want you to leave me"
"Lip, we aren't even dating"
"Let's change that. Skylar Rayne, will you go out with me?"
"Yes, Phillip Ronan, I will"
He smiles and leans in to kiss me.
"I'm not going to be gone forever. We can hang out during the week and on weekends"
"I know" he smiles
"And you can come see the shows we put on. It'll be great, like I never left."
"I guess so."
"I'm going to head home, goodnight-"
"Spend the night here"
He drags me to his bed. He's soon in just boxers. We climb into his bed and he pulls me close to him
"Night" He says, placing a kiss to my forehead.

Peach Scone(Lip Gallagher)
Fiksi Penggemar"I love the thought of being with her, I just really hope that she doesn't get hurt"