After the funeral, I start walking. I don't know where to. Probably to go get drunk. "Sky!" "Skylar" I know who it is. It's Lip and Ian. I keep walking and ignore them "SKYLAR RAYNE HOLLAND" I turn around "What the fuck do you want Gallagher" "You need to go home. Going to get drunk isn't the right thing to do right now." Lip says, calmly. I've never heard him be so calm. "Like you have fucking room to talk. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go drink the cheapest liquor I can find" "No you're not" he says, grabbing me "Lip let me go" "No, he's right. You need to go home, Sky" Ian says "Fine But I'm drinking later"
We walk back to the Gallagher house and see my 'parents' on the porch of my old house. "Skylar! Can we talk?" I look at Lip and Ian. "In private?" "Whatever you have to say to me, you can say to them too" "Okay fine. Everyone come in" We walk in and sit down. They already got new furniture. "We want to make up for the past 16 years that we weren't here for you. We want to be your parents again." "Again? I don't even know you! Either of you! I'm pretty sure fucking Frank Gallagher knows you better than I do, Micheal" "That May be true but honey" "Don't fucking call me that." "But you're my-" "I'm your nothing. I don't belong to either of you. I don't belong to anyone. You know. You guys missed my first everything. Rebecca, you missed my first period. My first boyfriend. My first heartbreak. Micheal, you missed my first daddy-Daughter dance. I had to go with Kev. You missed my first day of kindergarten, when the dads were carrying their daughters in on their shoulders, I was walking in with Ian. Both wishing we had a decent father. You weren't there. You never were." Lip then grabs my hand and squeezes it. "Kev has been the father figure in my life. Veronica and Fiona have been the motherly figure in my life. So was Aunt Lucy." "But we're here now" "That doesn't make up for all the bullying I endured because I didn't have a 'mommy' or a 'daddy' growing up. You know, when I was 6, I would talk to Lip and Ian about how I knew you guys were coming back for me. Then, when I was 7, I saw Frank stumble in their house and realized that you're just like him. And you weren't going to change. I don't even know why you guys came back. Why now? Because my caregiver died? Is that why" " of course not" "Do you even remember my birthday" "May 4?" "April 14." I say "I'm done here. Done with you guys. Done with this whole family." I get up and walk out with Ian and Lip right behind me.
We walk back home and I decide to go talk to Kev.
"Hey Kev?" "What's up little one?" "My parents. They're still trying to get me to forgive them" "You have every right not to, you know that right?" "I know. Oh I know." "Did you tell them about the music school?" "Nope" I say, popping the p "I don't blame you." "Thanks for always being there for me, I really appreciate it. Thank you for walking to my first day of school since 1st grade" "You're like a daughter to me. You don't have to thank me" I start to tear up. Even though I already knew that, it still makes me cry. "I'm gonna head home. I'll talk to you later, Kev" "See ya Sky"
I walk the short distance to the Gallagher's and sit on the couch. Lip walks in and hands me a beer. "I'm sorry your parents are assholes" "I'm sorry yours are too" We both laugh. "When's your audition?" "Tomorrow. You can come if you want" "I'll be there." He says We've been dating for about 4 weeks now. They've been the greatest four weeks of my life.
Around 3 in the morning, we decide to head upstairs to go to sleep. "You're beautiful" "And you're drunk" "Yes, I'm drunk. But in the morning I'll be sober, and you'll still be beautiful" he says, kissing me "How drunk are you?" "Drunk enough to know that you're beautiful" "That's really drunk" "Goodnight princess" "Princess?" "Decided to try it out" "Ok goodnight asshole"
Around 10 that morning I wake up. My audition wasn't until noon. I decide to go ahead and get ready before everyone else took over the bathroom. I run in there to do my makeup "Hey it's occupied" "It's me" Lip says "Oh come in" He walks in and sits on the closed toilet. "Are you nervous?" "More than I've ever been" I admit "You're gonna do great. And I'll be just outside the room. Act like you're singing to me" I nod and finish getting ready. I put my hair into a braid and put on a maroon sweater with a black skirt and black tights, and brown boots
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"You look great" Lip says "Thanks. Now let's go. We have to take the L" We walk to the L and get on. My leg is bouncing up and down out of nervousness. "Hey it'll be okay." "I hope you're right"
We get to the school and wait for them to call my name. "Skylar Holland?" I stand up and walk into the room where the walls weren't gray but green. "What song will you be singing for us today?" "Million reasons by lady Gaga" "Okay, start whenever you're ready" I start to sing, and finish the song. "Skylar Holland, congratulations, we'll see you in the fall" I thank them and shake their hands and walk out. Lip and I walk outside before I tell him "Well???" "I got in!" I say "Good job! I knew you would" He says, spinning me in his arms
Its the last day of summer so we decided to set off fireworks. "Ohhh can Sky sing?" Debs asks "That's up to her" Fiona replies "Haha sure" I say "I'm gonna be right back" I run upstairs and grab my guitar. "This is one of my favorite songs" "She sits up high, surrounded by the sun One million branches and she loves everyone "Mom and dad, did you search for me? I've been up here so long I'm going crazy. And as the sun went down We ended up on the ground I heard the train shake the windows You screamed over the sound And as we own this night I put your body to the test with mine This love was out of control 3, 2, 1 - Where did it go?" Lip is staring at me in awe "Now don't be crazy yes now of course you can stay here. Been in touring band for going on ten years, big deal I guess you're official. I only said that because I know what it's like to feel burnt out. It gets you down We've all been there sometimes But tonight I'll make you feel beautiful once again. And as the sun went down We ended up on the ground I heard the train shake the windows You screamed over the sound And as we own this night I put your body to the test with mine This love was out of control 3, 2, 1 - Where did it go?" I look at Fiona and sing the next part. "If I were you id put that away, see you're just wasted and thinking about the past again, darling you'll be ok. She said, if you were me you'd do the same. Cause I can't take anymore I'll draw the shades and close the doors everything's not alright and I would rather..." Fiona has tears in her eyes "I think I'll end that there" I say "It's no wonder you got into that music school" V said "Thanks V." "Well it's time for bed" Fiona says I look at the time and it's already past 2 in the morning.
We all file inside and I go to Franks old room, which Lip and I took over. I change into my pajamas and climb into bed. Lip soon follows and lays facing me "I'm really proud of you, you know that right?" He says "I know." I reply "I'm just going to miss you not being here all the time." "I'll be here on the weekends" "That's not enough" he says "Lip, we'll make it work" "I know, we always do" "I'm going to sleep. Goodnight" "Goodnight I love you" There's silence "I love you too, Phillip Gallagher"