Chapter seventeen

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I woke up practically pinned to my bed as Nancy was all but on top of me. Her head rested on my shoulder with her arm and leg draped over me making sure I had no chance of escape. Not that I wanted to but I did have to pee really bad. Stupid Spironolactone. I couldn't wait for my surgery and to finally be rid of them. Soon.

I let out a long breath that I didn't know I was holding. I needed to tell Nancy but ... how? I've gone through this so many times that you'd think I was a pro at coming out to people but every time was like the first time. Hoping the person didn't freak out and kill me. I didn't see Nancy doing that but still...

I got off lucky last night do to being injured. All we did was watch Netflix and fall asleep but our relationship took a major turn when she told Jake about us... fuck!

I couldn't let this depress me. I wouldn't. Slowly scooting Nancy's arm then leg off me I managed to free myself and sneak out of my bedroom.

Immediately stepping out Dobby damn near ruined everything by laying next to my door ensuring I'd trip on him as soon as I stepped out.

"Stupid dog! One night I don't let you in and you act like you're abused."

After going to the bathroom and relieving my poor bladder I made my way to the kitchen where I was pleased to see Joann making hash browns, eggs, and ham even if I did think it soon for her to be doing stuff. She could be awesome on occasion even if she drove me up the wall most of the time.

"You got back early last night."

She said with her back turned as I got a cup of coffee. She was in bed already so she still didn't know about what happened or Nancy being here.

"Umm yeah. A fight broke out so we closed early. You shouldn't be cooking. I was planning on making us something.

She turned around gasping when she saw me. "Oh my god! Are you alright?"

She tossed down the spatula she was holding and was now inspecting me.

"I'm fine, mom. In fact, it actually turned out pretty good actually. And nice way to avoid explaining why you're up. You should be resting.

She folded her arms across her chest raising a brow to me.

"Okay, don't ever call me that. And I'm sick of resting. I swear if I see another television commercial I'll scream! I'm actually going back to work and before you say anything, just know it's "restful ". All I basically do is sit on my ass. Now how the hell could it of turned out alright? You got a nasty gash on the side of your head."

"Well lets just say I hope you made enough for three." I said unable to stop myself from smiling. It was a bit soon for her to go back to work but I didn't wanna fight. Plus, I'm sure she is sick of laying around all day. I just don't want her to over do it.

Her mouth dropped open making me laugh as I took a sip of the coffee and made my way to the stove no longer trusting her ability to cook.


"Mmhmm She's still asleep." I nodded. The smile still plastered to my face. "She told her husband about us and well we connected."

"Damn I wish I had a boss who sent me home early to "connect" with me. Seriously, Luke, I'm worried about you. There's no telling what he will do now."

"I have told you not to fucking call me that, Joann! Get the fucking hint! The last thing I need right now is for her to hear you. I'm dealing with things the best that I can right now so either get my name right or keep your damn mouth shut!"

I snapped at her dropping the spatula to face her. Just when I was just putting it in the back of my mind she has to bring it up. How fucking hard can it be to call me Crystal? I had it legally changed for over a year now.

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