Chapter thirty-five

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I woke up to the sun shining through the bedroom window. Nancy was spread across three quarters of the bed with her face in the pillow. Seriously, how could she even breath?

I sat up and slipped on my slippers and set out on the quest of coffee, peeing, and food. Okay, maybe not exactly in that order. Nancy didn't even move as I got up, some werewolf she is.

Dobby was laying right at the door causing me to trip over him yet again.

"You stupid Mut! When are you going to learn not to do that? He only tried jumping on me for a response which actually hurt seeing I only had a thin shirt and panties on. His claws were relentless.

"Go wake Nancy up and leave me alone. Go on! Go on! Go get Nancy!"

He finally got the hint and took off into the bedroom at a full speed.

"Ouch! Shit! What the hell? Dobby get down! Dobby! Crystal!" I heard Nancy throwing a fit causing me to laugh to myself.

"Good boy"

After going to the bathroom I peeked in JoAnns room and was struck by guilt at seeing her queen size bed empty and untouched.

"Fuck! What did I do?"

I said to myself pinching the bridge of my nose. I didn't think Ashley would do anything to really hurt her but still... it was a rather large risk. Not to mention Dan. Did Ashley have any reason to spare him? My mind wasn't coming up with anything.

"Fuck! What did I do?

I cooked me, Nancy, and because I was feeling especially bad cooking in JoAnns kitchen without her being her, Dobby pancakes and sausage. Dobby acted like he was in seventh heaven. Enjoy it while it lasts...

By noon I was getting worried as I still hadn't heard from her despite the several messages I sent so I decided to head to Langhurst Realtors and look for her there myself. I could also pick up Nancy's Ford at the same time.

Just before one I pulled up outside of JoAnns work and I released a deep breath when I saw her at her desk typing on the computer.

She looked up as I walked through the door sounding the bell attached to it with despair in her eyes.

"Are you Alright?"

She only nodded before returning to the computer. I swallowed looking around for Dan but he was nowhere to be seen. Just a couple other women typing away on their computers. One was the receptionist and the other was just outside of an empty office near JoAnns The place always had a minimal of staff but it seemed understaffed even more than usual today.

"Where's Dan?"

"I had to let him go."

The way she said that told me it was something serious but she wasn't offering up details.

"What's that mean?" I asked shutting the door to her office and taking a seat in one of the two black chairs in front of her desk.

"Ashley showed up right after you left. It wasn't pretty."

"Did she hurt you or Dan?"

"Me? No, not really. She just yelled a lot and threw a fit scaring the shit out of me and just about everyone else around.

"I'm going to-"

"Leave it alone, Crystal! I'm fine, okay? She didn't hurt me but I really don't want to push her anymore right now."

"What about Dan?"

She shook her head, "He's gone."

"Gone? She didn't kill him, did she?"

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