*Kayla's POV*
I woke up to my alarm ringing at 7:30am. I groaned and turned off my alarm. I laid in bed for a couple of minutes. I heard a knock on my door and the door opened. "Kayla" I heard my sister Frankie say quietly. I looked up and saw Frankie standing in her PJ's. I smiled and sat up. Frankie started smiling and bursting out laughing. "What?" I asked her. "You look like a zombie" Frankie laughed pointing at me and holding her stomach. "Who cares? I always look a zombie no matter what" I said rubbing my head. We both laughed. Frankie sat on the edge of my bed. "Are you alright hun?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, can you drop me off at school today?" Frankie asked. "Sure, I'm driving that way because I have to pick up Sheila" I said. Frankie smiled and said "thanks sis". She got up and left my room.
I got into my work clothes. I had my hair straight so I left it down, applied a little bit of make up and got my bag ready for today. I walked downstairs. I saw my one of my step sisters, Clara, sitting with my mom and step dad Ian. "Morning Kayla" Ian said smiling at me. "Morning Ian, morning Clara, do you need a lift to school today?" I asked Clara. Clara was thinking. "That would be great, thank you" Clara said. I smiled. I made myself tea and was reading the newspaper. Frankie came down stairs in a rush. "You alright Frankie?" Mom asked walking over to her. "I'm fine mom, it's..." Frankie said until she was cut off. "Hey everyone! Let's go party!" Our 16 year old trouble making sister, Katherine came in and she was drunk. We were all looking at her shocked and disappointed.
"Katherine! How dare you sneak out of the house and went to a party last night!" Mom yelled and put her hands on her hips. Katherine was laughing her head off. She sat at the table and put her feet up on the table. Frankie, Clara and I looked at each other and nodded in disappointment. Katherine has been acting like differently since our parents got a divorce and it got worse when Mom and Ian got married. None of us understand how she went from this lovely, kind, sweet kid into this trouble making teenager that wants to party and drink every night. Ian pushed her feet off the table. Katherine was now angry at Ian. Our other two step sisters, Lauren and Megan walked in. "What's going on?" Megan asked. "DONT YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" Katherine yelled as she stood up. "Katherine!" Frankie yelled. This is not a nice way to start the morning.
"Shut up! Ian your not my dad!" Katherine yelled. Ian wasn't taking of Katherine's shit. "Katherine, your grounded for 2 months" Ian said. Katherine's jaw dropped. "Fuck you" Katherine growled. We were all shocked at Katherine. "Watch your mouth!" I yelled at her. "Fuck you too Kayla" Katherine yelled. "Katherine why are you acting like this?" Lauren asked. Katherine looking like she was about to collapse onto the floor since she's drunk. "Because I want to, just get off my back, I hate you all, I hate you more Kayla" Katherine said giving me the dirtiest look ever. That got my attention. I don't know if she meant it or if she didn't mean it because she's drunk. I acted like I wasn't hurt, but I was. Katherine stormed out. I sighed and grabbed my bag. "We better get going" I said. Frankie and Clara grabbed their bags. "Bye mom" Frankie said. "Bye sweethearts, have a good day" she called out.
I grabbed my car keys and we walked outside. I opened the car. "Kayla! Wait!" Ian called out and he ran out of the house. I looked at Frankie and Kayla. "I'll be there in a minute" I said smiling at them. They nodded and got into the car. I walked back to Ian. "Are you alright?" Ian asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, I don't get Katherine" I said shaking my head. "I know hunny, we have to do something about it" Ian said. I had to agree with him. "Oh and Ian, I was going to tell everyone this before but I'm thinking about moving out" I said. Ian was smiling. "I want to find a house that isn't far away from work and from you guys, just to start off fresh, what do you think?" I asked him. "sounds great to me hun, you can start a new life and maybe you'll get a better job" Ian said. "But I like my job Ian, I get paid good money, once I get enough I'll look for a house" I said. Ian kissed my forehead. "Bye sweetie" Ian said. I smiled and pat his arm. I got into the car and drove away.
Silence was in the car until Clara spoke. "Hey Kayla" Clara spoke. "Yeah hun" I answered. "Did you tell my dad your planning on moving out?" Clara asked. "That's correct" I said. Frankie said "you won't be moving far, will you?". I scoffed. "I'm hoping to get a house near work and home so I won't be far" I said. "Wait a minute, I thought you were going to move in with Cameron" Clara asked. Cameron is my boyfriend of fours years and he asked me to move in with him not long ago, but I want to get a place of my own and our relationship going down hill. "I want to get a place of my own, cameron is too fussy about choosing" I said rolling my eyes. "Do you want us to come with you for house hunting?" Frankie asked. "I might get Destinee and Mhali to come with me, but thanks anyway" I said smiling. Frankie and Clara smiled. I parked outside the school. "Bye Kayla" Frankie said. "See ya Kayla" Clara called out. "Bye girls" I said smiling. They closed the doors. While I was parked. I was sending a text message to Destinee.
Hey Destinee! I'm thinking about looking for house, will you and Mhali come with me? :) xx-Me
Hey Kayla! Sure! We'll come with you! How about Saturday? You have no work on Saturday :) xx-Destinee
Perfect! Thanks girl! :) xx-Me
Anything for you girl! :D Mhali and I are going to be at the bar later after college classes, see you later :) xx-Destinee
See you soon! :) xx-Me
I put my phone away and started driving to collect Sheila. I really do hope, with Destinee and Mhali's help, I'll find a perfect house that I will like and would buy.

FanfictionKayla is just a normal girl with the best family and the best friends right behind her. She thinks about buying a new house for herself and finds the perfect one. However, the History of the house is what Kayla didn't know. The Ghost Adventures Crew...