Chapter 1

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Y/n~your name
Y/l/n~your last name
Y/m/n~your mom's name

A fresh start...that's what my mom always called it. Ever since my dad went missing, my mom and I have had many fresh starts. In the last 7 years, I've been to 8 different schools, 8 different cities, and 8 different houses.
And I know what you're thinking, and no, my dad did not walk out on my mom and I. One day, he was driving to this charity event, got into an accident, and never turned back up. To this day, we still don't know what happened.
So let me introduce myself. My name is
Y/n Y/l/n. My mom had our last names changed to y/l/n instead of my dad's last name.

I've moved all around the country. I've never actually known the reason, my mom never told me. My mom says we will be safe in my current Queens. It doesn't seem very safe but who knows, I've only been here a week.
My room is almost unpacked. My mom and I live in a two bedroom apartment. It's small but homey. Might be the best one yet. Hopefully my mom will stay sane and actually settle.

"Y/n! My mom called out from the kitchen. I slowly stood up and made my way in.
"Yeah mom?" I questioned lazily while rubbing my eyes.
"Are you already for school?" I could feel my eyes grow wide.
"I have to go to school already?"
"Yes and what's the problem with that?"
"I um I would have thought I could have another week of settling in..." I mumbled. My mom shook her head.
"We are not going through this again. I know starting a new school is hard and you have to meet new people and-"
"And yeah I's a fresh start." I mumbled again, looking down at the ground. My mom walked back over to the counter and grabbed my hands.
"I really think you're going to like it here. And I'm very certain this will be our forever home. Plus the school is great. You're really going to love it."
"What's it called again?"
"Midtown School of Science and Technology."

Even the name sounds boring

"Now go off to bed Y/n. You have a big day tomorrow."
I gave my mom a weak smile and slowly made my way back to my bedroom. After setting my alarm, I turned to my right side so I was facing the wall. As my eyes began to droop, there was a sudden ringing of an alarm.
I jumped up from my bed and peaked out of my window to see two armed men running down the street with a bag on each of there shoulders, filled with money no doubt.

"LOOK OUT!" One of them yelled. With a sudden, THWAP, they were all tied up and their guns were several feet away. Just when I was about to close my window, a figure appear. It was a man, sitting on the railing of the fire escape.

"E-Excuse me Sir?" I questioned. I must have started him because he almost fell off the railing.
"Oh umm I'm sorry. There uh- this used to be vacant." He responded.
"Yeah my mom and I just moved in. May I?" I asked, gesturing next to him. He nodded his head and I climbed out the window, placing my arms on the railing.
"So umm...who are you exactly?" I asked.
"Oh I'm Spiderman." He said throwing his arms out as if I offended him.
"Sorry, did I offend you Spiderman?"
"Well it's just everyone knows who I am. I'm a pretty big deal around here." He said in a cocky tone as he brushed off this shoulder.
"Huh well I'm sure I would have heard about a man running around in tights before I moved here."

"They're not's a suit." Spiderman muttered.
"Yeah yeah I get it. So why the mask?"
"It's so no one knows who I am."
"Oh a secret identity? What if I were to take it off?" I said reaching towards his face. Before I could touch him, he swatted my hand away.
"HEY! What was that for??!!"
"A secret identity is supposed to stay a secret."
We sat in silence for a few moments before he spoke again.

"What's you're name?" He asked.
"And I'm assuming since you haven't heard of me, you aren't from around here." Spiderman noted.
"Yeah my mom and I just moved to the city."
"From where?"
"Oh well I've been all over. My last place was in California." I could see his eyes grow wide.
"That's all the way on the other side of the country!"
"Glad to see you know your states Spidey."
"Haha very funny. Just because I'm a superhero doesn't mean I don't go to school."
I laughed at his sarcasm. "Where do you go to school?" He pondered for a moment before turning back to me.
"Can't tell you that."
"And why not?"
"It's part of the whole secret identity thing."
"Oh gotcha."
"What about you?" He asked. "Where are you going to school?"
"My mom enrolled me in Midtown School of Science and Technology."
The boys eyes grew wide again.
"What?" I questioned.
"Oh just sounds pretty cool." He stuttered.
"Oh please, just hearing the name makes me hate it." He gave a slight laugh at my comment before looking at his watch.

"Welp. It's getting late. Wouldn't want to stay out too long. Besides, we have school tomorrow." He noted.
"Will you be back tomorrow?" I asked.
"Sure thing Y/n."
"See you Spidey." I said giving him a salut. He returned it before sending a web flying to another building. I closed my window and crawled back under my covers.

Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad after all.

First chapter done! Well that's was exciting. Comment what you think.

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