Chapter 8

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Peter's POV
I held Y/n in my arms, clutching onto her for dear life. "Somebody help!" I screamed. But no one was listening. Instead of helping the almost lifeless girl, they had their phones out for recording. Her arms were cut and her forehead had a giant gash. Her legs were stiff and her hands looked smashed. "This is all my fault!" I cried, pulling her into my chest. "Why is everyone just standing there!" I screamed. "Someone get help!"
"I'll call 911!" Someone shouted from the crowd. I turned behind me and nodded my head, thanking them. "Come on Y/n. Stay with me." I pleaded.
Within a few short minutes, an ambulance had arrived. "I'm sorry son but you can't come in." The fireman explained. "No! You have to let me in! I'm the only person she's got!" I cried.
"Fine but you need to call your parental guardian."
"Yeah. Of course." I said, hopping into the ambulance. I sat next to Y/n, who was close to losing her breath. I texted Aunt May telling her I was alright. Then I called Mr. Stark, praying that Mr. Strange was still there.
"Hey kid what's-"
"It's Y/n." I said breaking down, barely able to speak. "Breath Peter. Just tell me what happened." Mr. Stark said calmly.
"She found-she found my-my suit and then we got into a fight. Th-then she ran out. I heard a large crash a-and saw a b-big group of people and they-they said she got hit by a car."
"Shit Parker. How are you holding up?"
"I-I'm scared. I don't know if she-she's going to make it." I cried.
"If she can get through being tortured, then she can live through this. Let me know when you get to the hospital and her dad and I will be right over." Mr. Stark insisted. "Okay." I choked.
We arrived at the hospital quicker than I thought. A few of the firemen rushed Y/n in but the remaining two stayed with me. "How are Mr-?"
"Parker Sir. Peter Parker"
"Well Mr. Parker, would you mind telling me what happened leading up to the accident." The fireman asked. "Well...Y/n and I got into a fight and she uh ran out. But the time I had caught up to her, she was laying there in a puddle of blood." I answered, trying not to breakdown again. "Did you see the vehicle?"
"It was some sort of white sports car. But I just watched it speed away. And other people said that they watched it hit her. A Tom of people were recording it. I'm sure one of them has the license plate number." I explained.
"Thank you Mr. Parker. You can go inside now." He said shaking my hand. I walked into the hospital and immediately got chills. After sitting down in the lobby, I got a text from Mr. Stark, saying he contacted Y/n's mother.
"You must be Peter." She said. "Uh yeah. Nice to meet you Ms. Y/l/n."
"You as well. How is she?"
"I have no idea. No one has come to talk to me yet and they won't let me into her room." I explained. Before I could utter another word, she pulled me into a hug and began to cry.
"She's all I have Peter. I can't bear to lose her." She cried. "You won't. I promise." I replied.
After a few more hours of waiting, a Doctor finally let us in to see her. When we walked in, I noticed these needle like things covering her hands. Her head had a bandage covering it from the stitches. She was broken and I didn't know how she would be fixed.
"So what's wrong with her?" Ms. Y/l/n asked.
"Y/n has eleven stitches on her forehead and back of her head. Both of her hands a shattered. And her vertebra is extremely fractured." The doctor explained.
"Hey Doc? What are those things on her hands?" I asked
"Those are External Fixations. They're basically a stabilizing frame to hold the broken bones in the proper position." The doctor explained.
"And what does that mean?" Ms. Y/l/n asked.
"If means that Y/n may not use her hands again. And with her fractured vertebrae, I highly doubt she will be walking for the next few months." He continued. "Thank you." Ms. Y/l/n said as the doctor walked out of the room.
I could feel my vision become blurry. "This was all my fault." I began crying. "Shh shh Peter. It's not your fault." Ms. Y/l/n insisted.
"But it is. If I had just told her the truth, we wouldn't-we wouldn't have fought and she would still be whole."
"Why don't I go and get some food from downstairs. Just to get us through the next few hours." I nodded my head just before she walked out.
My phone began to ring. I looked to see it was Mr. Stark.
~Mr. Stark: Hey kid. Strange and I are here. What number are you guys in?
~Peter: room 256
After a few minutes, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." I called. The door opened and Mr. Stark and Mr. Strange walked in.
"Oh my god Y/n." Mr. Strange said, pulling up a shake next to her. "What-how did this happen?"
"She was hit by a car. I'm assuming she had our her hands out to stop herself as a natural reaction."
"And what's wrong?" Mr. Stark asked.
"She has a fractured vertebrae and both her hands are shattered." I answered. We sat in silence while we gazed at Y/n for a few minutes. "They won't be able to fix her." Mr. Strange noted. Mr. Stark turned and looked at me dumbfounded.
"um Strange? This is one of the best hospitals in New York. I'm sure they can fix her." Mr. Stark said in a rude manner. Mr. Strange simple looked st his and rolled his eyes.
"I know that Stark. I used to work here. The same thing that happened to me is now happening to Y/n. And I know how to help her."
"And what would that be?" I asked.
"We just need to get her out of here and back to the base." Mr. Strange insisted.
"And how in the world would we do that?" After a few sudden, quick movements, we turned around to see the same portal he had appeared through in the first place. We quickly pushed Y/n's bed and all of her equipment through the portal and into Mr. Starks lab.
"And now, gentlemen, I need you to get out of this laboratory. I have to save my daughter."

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