Chapter 4

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It had already been three months. Three months of living in the city. Three months of going to school at Midtown. Three months of being friends with Peter. Three months of Spider-Man.
Every night I spend with Spider-Man, the more I fall for him. I know it sounds crazy but I think I'm falling for the man under the mask. Every night I spend with him is better then the night before. It's as if I can tell him anything. No secrets, well except for his secret identity.
"Hey Y/n." Peter called out from down the hallway. "Hey Pete. What's up?"
"I was uh wondering if maybe you wanted to come over tonight? I was thinking maybe a movie marathon. Star Wars perhaps?"
"That sounds wonderful. What time?" I asked.
"How about 7:00."
"Perfect." I said as we sat down in our next class."
By the time I was ready, it was almost 7. Peter had texted me his address and he didn't live to far.
Knock knock knock
I left my room, making my way to the door, expecting it to be my mom who probably just forgot her key. But when I opened the door, no one was there. "Weird." I said after closing the door. A sat back down on my bed when I heard it again.
Knock knock knock
"Who the hell is that?" I walked back over to the door, opening it up quickly. But no one was there.
After looking down the hall, I closed my door and ran back to my room. Something was going on.
I could heard the floor, creaking from the living room and the small taps of feet, walking towards my room.
"Hello? Who's there?"
The tapping stopped. I waited for another minute before getting up. I slowly opened the door, making sure no one was there. I carefully walked out and into the kitchen. I went to grab my purse but when I looked in the mirror, I saw two green eyes appear behind me.
Before I could turn around, my body suddenly became limp, forcing me down to the ground. Before I could utter a single word, it felt as if something was lodged in my throat. I was unable to speak, only gasp for breath, just before everything went black.
Peter's POV
It was now 8:00 and no sign of Y/n. I had hoped she was just late but then again, she never is. After waiting for another 10 minutes, I told Aunt May I was going to bed. I walked in my room, locked the door, and threw on my suit. I swung over to her apartment as fast as possible. I didn't know what I was going to say but I just had to make sure she was okay.
I knocked on her window but there was no answer. I noticed it was unlocked so I slid it open and let myself in. I searched her room but there was no sign of Y/n.
I made my way through her entire apartment but she wasn't anywhere in sight.
"Y/n? Are you in here?"No reply.
"Y/n?!" I called again.No reply.
I walked over to her kitchen and noticed her house key was still on the counter. "Something's wrong." I noted fearfully. I tapped my watch to call Mr. Stark.
"Sorry Kid but I can't ta-"
"Mr. Stark it's an emergency!"
"You're emergency last week was that you forgot your homework in an alleyway." He said clearly annoyed.
"No Mr. Stark it's an actual emergency!" I insisted.
"Fine Peter. What's up?"
"I can't find Y/n. She was supposed to come over almost two hours ago, her key is still here and she won't answer any of my texts or calls." I cried.
"I'm sure she's fine." He insisted. "No you don't get it Mr. Stark! Something's wrong! I know it!"
"Fine if your Spidey senses are tingling then come down to the base and we will find her." I hung up quickly and tried to get there as quickly as possible. I wasn't able to swing all the way there so I ended up have to take a cab.
When I arrived, I ran through the door and ran down to Mr. Stark's lab, knowing he would be there.
"Mr. Stark! I'm here!" I yelled. "Good. Now tell me what she looks like and any personal stuff you know about her."
"She y/h/c hair and y/e/c eyes. She's my age. Just moved to the city from California. Oh and she lives alone with her mom after her dad-"
"Got her. Y/n Y/L/N?" Mr. Stark said showing me a picture that resembled a mugshot.
"How did you find her so fast?" I questioned.
"I hacked the criminal database but didn't expect to find her. Looks like your girlfriend is a criminal."
"She's not my girl-never mind. Just please tell me where she is so I can go save her."
"It looks like she on Queens Ave. Let me hack into the security cameras." He said as his fingers danced on the keyboard.
"Got it." He said. I could see Y/n. She was being hung by her wrists by some kind of green bars.
"I better go-"
"I'm coming with you." Mr. Stark insisted, looking back at the monitor.
"What why?"
"Because you can't beat her kidnapper alone."
"What why? Who kidnapped her?"
"Baron Mordo." Mr. Stark said as his mask covered his face.
"Who the hell in Baron Mordo?!"

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