Chapter 3

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School was the same as yesterday. Still being the new girl, no one knew who I was. I really never made an effort to be social. I just stuck with Peter, but he didn't seem to mind.
It was 9 o'clock, as I sat in bed, waiting for Spider-Man to come back. There was a knock on my window, and there he was.
"What's up Spidey?" I asked opening the window. "Nothing much. You ready?"
"Yeah but what am I going to need?" I asked.
"A sweatshirt and your wallet." He responded.
"You'll see. Now hurry!" He whisper yelled. I ran to my dresser and pulled out a sweatshirt, then ran and grabbed my little black backpack with my wallet and slipped my phone inside.
"Ready Y/n?" He asked, helping me out of the window. "Yeah but where are we going exactly?"
"You'll just have to wait and see. Now hold on tight." He said firmly gripping his arm around my waist.
"I'm sorry what-" before I could finish, I began screaming. My body was pulled into the sky by Spider-Man. He swung from building to building as I held on for dear life.
"How're you doing Y/n?"
"Not well at the moment. Did I forget to mention I'm afraid of heights?" I yelled.
"Yeah but you'll get used to it. I know I had to."
We suddenly landed in an ally by a sandwich shop. "Delmar's Deli-Grocery?" I asked.
"Yep." Spider-Man answered.
"What are we doing here?"
"You have your wallet right?" He questioned.
"Yeah but-"
"Great now go in there and ask for a number 5 with pickles and make sure they smoosh it down flat." He said pointing to the Deli.
"Umm Alright." I answered still slightly confused. I walked over to the Deli and opened the door, hearing a ding as I walked in.
"Good evening Miss. What can I get for you?" A nice older man asked.
"May I get a number 5 with pickles, smooshed down flat. Actually...make that two."
"Sure thing. That'll be $10." I handed him the money and he gave me back my change. As he handed me the sandwiches, he began to speak with a smile. "I only know one other person who orders this." He said. "Really?"
"Yep. He's about your age. Pretty good kid."
"Cool. Well I better get going. Thanks for the sandwich." I said waving with a smile. I walked out into the street, lit up with street lamps and car lights. I made my way back to the ally and saw Spider-Man, leaning up against the wall.
"Here you go Spidey." I said handing him the sandwich. "Thanks but keep it in your backpack. We're going to eat this somewhere else."
"And where might that be?"
"You'll just have to wait and see." He said, holding his arm, gesturing for me to go to him. We suddenly flew into the sky, swinging from building to building. I kept my eyes open, watching everything fly by. I noticed we were getting closer to the water.
"Where are we exactly?" I asked fearfully.
"We are on top of the Queensboro Bridge." He responded calmly.
"WHAT?!" I shouted.
"Just give me a minute." He said. My eyes were closed so tight. I couldn't move. His arm stayed wrapped around my waist. He knew I was scared.
"Why the hell did you bring me up here?!" I screamed, I could feel tears falling down my cheeks. I felt his other hand grab mine. "Just open your eyes." He insisted.
"I-I can't." I stuttered. "Yes you can." Spider-Man responded calmly.
I did as he said and opened my eyes. I held onto his hands as tight as I could. "Wow." I gasped in amazement. I had no words. It was beautiful. The way the lights reflected from the city and onto the water was absolutely stunning. I looked down and noticed we were standing on a small platform, with a web wrapped around it. Spider-Man helped me take a seat and pulled out our sandwiches. He lifted his mask so only his mouth was showing.
"So Y/n, I want to know everything." He said stuffing his face.
"Everything? You'll have to be more specific."
"I mean like how you ended up here."
"Well. I started off in New York City. But after my dad went missing, we've moved around a lot."
"He went missing?"
"Yeah. He was on his way to this charity event I believe and we found his car down at the bottom of this slope. But he wasn't there."
"Do you have any idea where he is? Or even if he's still alive?"
"I know for a fact that he's still out there. My mom thinks he's dead. Got lost in the woods or something." I answered taking a bite of my sandwich.
"Wow. That sucks." Spider-Man said. "Well, enough about me. What about you? Just let me know a little bit of the private life of Spider-Man." I said giggling.
"Well...when I was younger, my parents left for this thing for their work so I was left to live with my Aunt and Uncle. They still haven't come back. Pretty positive they're dead."
"Wow Spidey. You said that so calmly." I noted.
"Well it happened a long time ago. But anyways, my Uncle was shot not to long ago so now it's just my Aunt and I."
"And I thought my life was tragic."
"Hey my life isn't that bad. I mean I do work for Tony Stark."
"The Tony Stark?! Like Ironman?" I yelled with excitement.
"So you've heard of him but not me?" He said holding his hand to his heart, gasping.
"Well of course! He's one of the richest and coolest people out there!"
"Wow Y/n. I had faith in you." Spider-Man said clearly disappointed. I simply laughed it off and checked my phone. "Hey Spidey. It's almost 2 am. We better get going." He gave a small nod and I put everything back in my bag. I grabbed onto his waist and we swung back to my apartment.
We landed quietly on the fire escape by my bedroom window. I stepped inside putting my bag down by my bed, but when I turned around, he was gone. "Spider-Man?" I questioned. He slowly dropped lowered , inside down in my window.
"What's up?"
"I just wanted to say thank you Spider-Man."
"Anything for Y/n-what are you doing?" He questioned as I placed my hands on his mask. Pulling it down just to where his lips were showing. "Just don't say anything." I gently placed my lips to his, making them move in sync. It was everything I could have imagined. When I pulled away, I pulled his mask back up.
"Don't forget to pay me back for the sandwich." I said smiling. I could see him smiling from underneath his mask.
"Will do." He said right before I closed the window. I laid back in bed, thinking about what had just happened.
Being with him was like a dream, and I didn't want to wake up.

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