Chapter 6

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"So you're my dad?"
"I've already answered that six times Y/n. Yes I am your dad." My dad answered. My dad, Mr. Stark, Spider-Man and I all sat at the Avengers base as a Doctor made sure I was alright.
"Then how do you have these powers? Do I have any?" I questioned.
"Sorry can't tell you how I got these powers but as for you, I don't know if you do."
The four of us sat in silence, still trying to process everything that had just happened. That was when Spider-Man turned to Mr. Stark. "Can you guys give us a minute?" He asked. My dad and him left before Spider-Man turned back to me.
"How are you holding up?" He asked.
"I'm okay I guess. It's just...this all happened so fast. One day I'm in California with my mom and the next, I'm in Queens and I find out my dad is some kind of superhero. It just all seems like this crazy dream." I explained, lowering my head into my hands. I felt a hand gently fall onto my back. "I know this is a lot but the best thing to do is to get to know your dad. I would love to get a second chance to see my parents."
He spoke.
Peter's POV
Y/n was hurting, confused, and scared. My intention on asking to speak with her alone was to ask about her criminal record but that would have been a mad move on my part. She's been through too much tonight. "Why don't I take you home? I'll keep watch for a little while." I asked. She nodded her head and grabbed my hand. "I'm sure your dad will stay here until you're ready to talk." I noted. She simply nodded again as we made our way out, trying to not let anyone know we left.
When we got back to her apartment, Y/n didn't say a word. She gave me another nod, then hopped into bed. I waited outside her apartment for at least an hour, half of which I was on the phone with Mr. Stark, telling him where we were.
~time skip~
It was finally lunch and I couldn't wait to talk to Y/n. Hopefully she would be feeling a little better. She had been distant the rest of the day, leaving class as soon as the bell rang. She sat down at our usual spot with Ned. "H-Hey Y/n." I stuttered.
"Hey." She simply replied. "I'm so sorry I didn't make it yesterday. Something really important came up yesterday and I couldn't text you." She said sincerely. "Is there anyway I can make it up to you?"
"I mean, maybe we could do something after school. I know this great place and it's not to far from here." I answered.
"That would be great! I'll meet you by the west wing." She answered with excitement.
Y/n's POV
School couldn't have gone by slower. I just wanted to get out as soon as possible. The last bell rang, and I ran to the west wing to meet Peter. "Ready?" He questioned. "Yep." I answered. It was a quick walk there from school. But when we got there, I noticed it looked familier. It was the Deli that Spider-Man had taken me to. "Here? You're taking me here?" I asked. "Of course! They have the best sandwiches in town."
"Mr. Parker! How are you doing?" The same man asked from not to long ago before. "Hey Mr. Delmar."
"And who might this be?" He asked.
"Oh this is Y/n." Peter answered.
"Alright. What can I get for you guys?"
"Can I get a number 5 with pickles and can you smoosh it down really flat?" My eyes went wide and I became lost in thought.
"And what can I get for you Miss?"
"Oh um yeah I'll have the same." I mumbled.
Was Peter Spider-Man?

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