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"My mom said it's our last day here today."

Two children were sitting on a park bench, the warm summer sun beating down on them. It was nearing sunset, and the two had spent the whole day together, not quite ready to part ways.

    "Do you really have to go, Addy?" the boy asked, looking to the girl beside him.

    "I guess, Bri. I wish I could stay longer, but it's a long trip back home."

They both fell silent, watching as the clouds drifted across the sky. The sun cast a golden glow on Adeline's face, and it made her blue eyes sparkle.

    "We could be penpals, you know. It'll take a while for the letters to get there, but at least we can stay in touch," Brian suggested, a bright smile on his lips.

    "Yeah, that's a great idea. Even though it'll take forever for your letters to get to the States."

    "But it'll be worth it. As long as we get to stay in touch, that's all that matters," he said, reaching beside him to open up the journal he always kept with him. He pulled a pencil out from the spiral and quickly scribbled down his address. He tore the sheet in half, giving her the piece with the writing, before handing her the journal and pencil.

    "What're the States even like?" he asked as she wrote down her address.

    "Well, where I'm from, it's very quiet, kinda boring, and it makes me feel trapped." She handed him the journal again, which he took from her gently.

    "Trapped? It can't be that bad, can it?"

    "It's so much worse when you're there. Hopefully, you won't ever experience it."

They both fell silent again, watching as the sun began to dip behind the roofs of the houses before them. The only sounds in the air were the chirping of crickets and the rustling of leaves as a soft breezes blew through.

    "I'm really gonna miss you, Addy. You made it a fun two months, you did," he said, smiling over at her.

    "I'm gonna miss you more, Bri. You're pretty much my best friend, and I couldn't have asked for a better person to spend my summer with."

    "Adeline! Honey, it's time to go!" a woman called.

    "All right, mama. I'm coming!" Adeline got to her feet, folding up Brian's address and sticking it into the handmade pocket of her dress. She looked over her shoulder, checking to see if her mother was still standing there, waiting for her.

    "I guess I have to go, Bri," she said quietly, tucking her hair back from her face.

    "I wish you didn't have to. I'm gonna miss stargazing with you."

Adeline smiled before throwing her arms around him in a tight hug. He set his arms around her waist, hugging her back with a small smile of his own.

    "Adeline! Let's get a move on, angel! Early rise tomorrow!" a man called.

    "I'm coming, papa!" Adeline pulled back from Brian, and with a sigh, she looked up at him.

    "I'll write a letter as soon as I get home, I promise. Thank you for a wonderful summer, Brian May.

    "Well, thank you for being a wonderful friend, Adeline Garrison. I'm sure we'll meet each other again."

    "I hope so." She leaned up, pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek, and gave him one final squeeze before turning and running back to her parents.

Brian watched her go, his fingers just hovering over the spot where her lips made contact with his skin. He was going to see her again, he was sure of it. He didn't know when, and he didn't know how.

But he just knew it would be extraordinary.

well, here it is, my final descent into borhap trashdom

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well, here it is, my final descent into borhap trashdom. i know this isn't my usual marvel fanfic, but right now, i don't really have muse to write my marvel stuff. so, think of this as a filler. i hope y'all enjoy!

 i hope y'all enjoy!

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