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Adeline was seated between John and Roger on the couch in Ray Foster's office. On the record player was Bohemian Rhapsody, in its entirely and full glory. As the song ended, a chill ran through her body, but she didn't know if it was from the song itself, or the strangely orgasmic groan Foster had let out once it finished. She hoped it was from the song. Brian was behind her, and after clapping Roger on the back, he gave her shoulder a squeeze. She peeked up at him and smiled, then snuggled up to Roger as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"Well... I'm not entirely sure that's the album you promised us," Foster said after a pause.

"No, it's better than the album we promised you," Freddie countered, "it's better than any album anyone's ever promised you, darling. It's a blood masterpiece."

There was a collective nod from the boys and Adeline behind Freddie, and Adeline brought her hand up to squeeze Roger's, letting her head rest on his shoulder.

"It is a good album, Ray," Reid said.

"We prefer "masterpiece"," Roger said, and Adeline smiled with a good natured shake of her head.

"It's expensive, and as for... Bohemian..." Foster struggled on the last word as he looked down at the track list.

"Rhapsody," Brian offered, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Rhapsody. What is that?"

"It's an epic poem," Freddie said matter-of-factly.

"It goes on forever. Six bloody minutes."

"I pity your wife if you think six minutes is forever."

Roger smirked and held Adeline a bit closer, giving her hand a squeeze before pressing his lips to her temple quickly. She felt her cheeks warm up, and a small smile graced her lips.

"And do you know what? We're going to release it as our single," Freddie said.

Foster chuckled. "Not possible. Anything over three minutes and the radio stations won't program it, period. And what on earth is it about, anyway? Scaramouche? Galileo? And all that "Ismillah" business. "Ishmillah"?"

Adeline rolled her eyes and shared a briefly look with Roger, and then with Brian. She smiled when she saw him shake his head, and beside her, Deacy rolled his eyes as well.

"Bismillah," Freddie said quietly.

"Oh, aye. Bismillah. What's it about, anyway? Bloody Bismillah?"

"True poetry is for the listener."

"It ruins the mystery if everything's explained," Brian said.

"Seldom ruins sales," Foster argued, "three minutes is the standard. John." He looked to Reid pleadingly.

"Yeah, we need radio. Format is three minutes, I have to agree with Ray. I actually think the single's Love of My Life," Reid suggested.

"No." Brian shook his head.

"Okay, how about John's song, You're My Best Friend? You know? "Ooh, you make me live". Catchy, stronger."

Adeline smiled over at Deacy, and gave his arm a nudge. That song, which caused a bit of strife in the band, was a sweet tribute to Veronica, his wife. And a very lovely lady, in Adeline's opinion.

"What about, I'm in Love with My Car?" Foster asked, and as Brian and John rolled their eyes, Roger turned towards them, his mouth open in mock surprise.

"Roger, no," Adeline whispered, gripping his jacket with her free hand. He glanced down at her, grinning, which made her sigh and shake her head. The commotion died down after Freddie slammed his foot against the table.

"No," he said.

"Well, that's the kind of song teenagers can crank the volume up in their car and bang their heads to. Bohemian Rhapsody will never be that song," Foster said.

"It's a band decision, Bohemian Rhapsody. That's it," Brian said.

"You're My Best Friend, and it's my money."

"Bo-Rhap, period," Roger chimed in, with Adeline nodding quickly beside him.

"Or we walk," Freddie said, providing the ultimatum. Adeline's eyes widened, and she looked at Roger, who shrugged his shoulders and held her a bit closer.

"MacArthur Park was seven minutes long," Paul said, and after a few looks, he added, "it was a hit."

"Look, I'm not arguing Bohemian whatever's..."

"Rhapsody," Freddie interjected.

"... musicianship. But there's no way in hell the station will play a six minute, quasi-operatic dirge comprised of nonsense words! Bismillah? Bullshit! I paid for this record, so I say what goes!" Foster's anger made Adeline jump, and both Roger and Brian gave her shoulder a squeeze in reassurance.

"Have we no legal recourse on this?" Brian asked, looking to Miami for a moment.

"Ray... you did Dark Side of the Moon, didn't you?" Miami asked, and Adeline tilted her head. Would she have to distance herself from her favorite Pink Floyd record all because of one grotesque man who was allergic to risk taking? She hoped not.

"I did," he said.

"Yeah, I absolutely love that record." Miami turned away from the gold disc and looked to the boys. "Legally, no. No, he's got all your balls in a vice. It's a different matter in the court of public opinion, of course. Ray Foster's a giant name in the music industry, but... to the average person..." He made a face. "Say the name Queen, on the other hand... ears prick up."

"We're going with You're My Best Friend. Done." Foster slammed his hand on his desk.

"No. We know what we have, even if you don't. It's called..." Freddie pressed the burning tip of his cigarette onto a few pages on Foster's desk. "...Bohemian Rhapsody."

Roger got off of the couch and pulled Adeline up with him, gently. With an arm around her shoulders, he followed after Deacy, who walked to Brian.

"You will forever be known as the man who lost Queen." Freddie led the group of them out of Foster's office, and Miami followed a moment later, shutting the door behind him.

"I hope you know what you're doing, Freddie," Adeline said quietly, wrapping an arm around Roger's waist.

"Oh, darling, I do. I'll get this record on the radio, just as it deserves," he said, smiling back at her as they made it outside.

"But how? Don't get me wrong, you know I loved every second of Bo-Rhap, but what station will play it?" Adeline asked as Freddie stopped just outside the building. He reached down and picked up a rock, tossing it into the air and catching it again.

"You'll see, Addy, dear. You'll see." He looked down at the rock before heaving it at Foster's window. The smashing glass made Adeline jump again, and she hid her face against Roger's chest.

"Fred! What the hell are you doing?" she asked, her voice a bit muffled. They all looked up, including Adeline, as the window opened. Paul and Foster's faces were visible, and Adeline looked to Freddie,

"You can take that out of our royalties!" he called. "Twat!"

"Wanker!" Foster yelled back.

"You can shove your gold discs! You made a mistake, Foster!" Brian yelled as Deacy laughed.

"Arsehole!" Freddie yelled.

"You'll never have a gold disc, you medium talent!" Foster shouted after them. But their laughter, even Adeline's, drowned him out.

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