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Dear Addy,

Firstly, congratulations on graduating! The boys and I are so proud of you, and Freddie asked me to let you know that he thought you looked radiant in the photo you sent. The band's been doing well, though we're all missing our moral support and number one fan. We haven't heard from Tim lately, so I couldn't tell you if the Band That Shall Not Be Named is making it, but we're all hoping life is treating him well.

Judging by the schedule you sent me with your last letter, I think it's a good time to tell you that we've scraped together enough money to fly you back over for a bit. It's been a lonely year without you, and we want you to see just how far we've come. I'm sorry this letter's so short, but everything I want to say would make it twelve feet long. I hope to see you, soon, and so do the others.

All the Universe,


"You're sure you gave her the right address, Roger?"

"Yes, Brian, I'm sure. You're so paranoid."

The two men were sitting just outside a small coffee shop, the one they first brought Addy to the previous year. Both of them were looking around, just waiting to spot their friend. Brian was bouncing his leg under the table, and Roger was drumming his fingers on the table top. But when he lifted his head, he spotted Addy not too far down the sidewalk, and she waved at him. He saw her put a finger to her lips, and with a small smile, he watched as she came up behind Brian and covered his eyes.

"Guess who!" she laughed, and Brian set his hands over hers. He moved them from his eyes, gave them a squeeze, and let go so she could wrap her arms around his neck in a hug.

"Addy! It's so good to see you again," Brian said, holding onto her arms gently.

"It's good to see you, too," she said, pressed a kiss to his cheek. She then let go of Brian and walked over to Roger, who stood from his seat and wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.

"Hey, Addy. How've you been?" he asked, then kissed both of her cheeks as she did the same to him.

"I've been well, Rog. And you?" she asked, smiling up at him.

"Never better," he said, giving her another squeeze. He smiled when she giggled, and the way she looked up at him nearly melted his heart. There was a certain sparkle in her eye that he'd missed a lot more than he'd ever thought he would.

"Where are the other boys? I'd love to catch up with them, too," she said, keeping her arms around Roger.

"We're actually going to go pick them up for tonight's show. But we're definitely gonna be a little late if we don't get a move on," Brian said, looking at his watch.

"Right. You remember where you sit, Addy?" Roger teased, nudging her arm gently.

"It's been so long, I might need help," she said, and the three of them laughed. Then, to her surprise, Roger scooped her up into his arms, and he carried a laughing Addy over to the van, with Brian walking beside him.

After John and Freddie had gotten comfortable in the backseat with Addy, the group was off down the street. The ride was enjoyable, with radio sing alongs and many questions for Adeline. Her stories of her time back home carried them all the way to the countryside, but the merriment was cut short due to an odd clunking sound within the van. Slowly, they puttered to a stop on the side of the road, and immediately, they all climbed out.

"Not again!" Roger groaned, hitting the side of the van with a closed fist.

"Again?" Adeline asked.

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