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Adeline was pacing back and forth in her and Roger's new living room. Upon their return home from Rio, he'd suggested officially moving in together. Despite the fact that they were still furniture shopping, it felt more like home to Adeline than her family home in America did. She lowered herself onto one of the footrests they had by their chairs and ran her fingers through her hair. Over on the wall by the kitchen counter, the phone was taunting her. And no excuse in the world could prevent her from making the most important phone call of her life. With a sigh, she pushed herself up from her seat and walked to the kitchen, chewing on her bottom lip as she picked up the phone. She took a deep breath, dialed the number, and listened to the ringing.

"Hello?" a female voice asked, and in a panic, Adeline slammed the phone back down onto the receiver.

"Oh my god," she groaned, running her hands over her face.

"Addy? You okay down there?" Roger called from the stairs.

"Peachy," she said, glaring down at the phone. She heard footsteps on the stairs, and she smiled sheepishly when Roger walked into the kitchen.

"Do I wanna know?" he asked, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Depends. Will you laugh if I tell you?" She set her arms around his neck as he pecked her lips gently.

"If it's funny, yes. If it's not, no."

"At least you're honest. I'm just nervous about this call, you know?"

Roger smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, then moved one hand to her chin, tilting her head up so she looked him in the eye.

"Hey, you've got this. You and I both know you do," he said, kissing her forehead gently.

"I wanna believe you, but my stomach won't let me," she mumbled, letting her head fall forward, onto his chest.

"C'mon, show your stomach who's boss. I'll be right in the other room, so if you need the reassurance, just look over, okay?" He tucked a few strands of her hair back behind her ear, and she peeked up at him.

"Okay," she said with a nod.

"That's my girl. Now give us a kiss," he whispered, and with a laugh, Adeline leaned up to press her lips against his. After pulling apart, Roger handed her the phone, gave her hip a squeeze and her bottom a playful tap, and left the room. Adeline sighed as she dialed the number one more time, and she sat at the counter as the phone rang again.

"Hello? Who is this? Some kind of jokester?" This time, it was an angry man on the other end of the line.

"Hi, Papa," Adeline said softly.

"Addy? Oh, it's so good to hear from you! How are you?" Mr. Garrison asked, and Adeline could almost hear his smile.

"I'm doing really well, Papa. How're you and mom doing?"

"We're all right, just waiting for you to come back home and see us, angel. You will be coming home, right?"

Adeline bit her lip and peeked out to Roger, who smiled and gave her a quick thumbs up from his spot on the couch. She smiled back briefly and put her hand over the phone as she swallowed thickly.

"Actually, Papa, I don't know if I'll be coming home," she said quietly after moving her hand away. Her father remained silent on the other end for a moment, and Adeline could feel her heart starting to race.

"What do you mean, Addy? Why won't you be coming home? We miss you," he said, and Adeline flinched.

"Well, um, the thing is... I'm getting married, Papa."

the scent of heat → r . taylor ( COMPLETED )Where stories live. Discover now