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Dear Bri,

It was so good to hear from you again! I'm so happy to hear your studies are going well. You'll be Doctor May before you know it (unless you already are, since these letters take forever to send, so in that case, congrats!). You mentioned in your last letter that your band has been playing a few more gigs recently. You have no idea how happy I am to hear that. And the name is so cute! A band called Smile, it sounds so happy and carefree. What a coincidence it is that your drummer is a dental student!

So, like I said in my last letter (from what feels like forever ago. Damn overseas postal!), I have some very exciting news. I've gotten the chance to spend a semester abroad before graduation! And the best part is: I'M COMING TO THE U.K! Honestly, my cousin Abigail keeps telling me to shut up, she's heard me scream about it so often. But this means I'll get to see you again! I'm so excited that my hand is shaking as I'm writing this. Who knows, maybe by the time this letter gets to you, or your home, I'll be hugging you like crazy. I can't wait to see you, and if you want to meet me at the airport, I'll be flying into Heathrow on March the twenty third, and I should land around noon, depending on the weather. I hope to see you, soon, and say hello to your mom for me!

Much Love,

Addy ♡

Brian had a hard time keeping his leg still as he sat on a bench near the baggage claim. Adeline's letter was folded up in his pocket, all crinkled up from the amount of times he'd unfolded and reread it. His heart was pounding in his chest, and he kept looking around the room, looking for any sign of his friend. He brushed his hair back from his face, exhaling slowly as he tapped his foot. He reached into his pocket again, pulled out her letter and read it over once more, smiling to himself. He looked back up as he slipped the letter back into his pocket, and his eyes widened ever so slightly. Standing by the baggage claim, with a suitcase in each hand, was Adeline.

Adeline stood by the baggage claim, clutching her suitcase tightly as she looked around the airport. She tapped her foot as she chewed on her bottom lip, looking around for a floor guide to help her navigate the place. She turned her head a bit when she heard footsteps near her, and she grinned widely.

"Bri!" she called, hurrying forward as fast as she could.

"Addy!" Brian laughed, opening his arms for her to jump into. He watched as she dropped her suitcases and launched herself into his embrace, and he twirled her around, making her laugh.

"Oh my god, I've missed you so much!" she said, clinging to him.

"I've missed you more, Addy. You have no idea," he replied, pulling back a bit to look down at her. He caught the sparkle in her eye, and he didn't want to ever let her go.

"Thanks for coming to get me, Bri. I was terrified of navigating this place by myself," Adeline said as she looked around, "I mean, it's huge in here!"

"Bigger than an American airport?"

"Hm, maybe they're close in size. But are we here to compare sizes, or are we here to see each other before I start my studies?"

Brian laughed, and with one arm still around Adeline, they each picked up one of her bags, and then walked out, with Adeline setting one of her arms around his middle. Together, they made their way out to a decently sized van, with a bit of musical equipment in the back.

"Sorry about the mess. I told Rog to clear this out before I came to get you, but he doesn't listen for shit sometimes," Brian huffed as he set her bag into the van.

"Don't worry about it. We all have our messes. One time, my cousin Abby refused to come into my room for a week because of all the clothes on the floor, and the scuff marks on the walls," she said, helping Brian close the door after setting her second suitcase inside.

"Sounds hefty. But if you're no stranger to clothes on floors, you'll fit right in with us." Smiling, Brian opened the passenger door for Adeline, and with his help, she climbed into the van. He got in a few seconds after, and once they were both buckled in, he pulled out of his spot and started off down the road.

The ride was filled with laughter and good music, just two friends catching up and making up for lost time. Adeline had her feet propped up on the dashboard, and her window was rolled down to let a bit of air in. Her head was propped up on her hand, and she was fighting to keep her eyes open for much longer.

"Sleep, Addy. I'll wake you when we get there."

She didn't know how long she'd been asleep, but when she woke to Brian's gentle shaking of her shoulder, it was pitch black outside. She groaned softly, stretching her arms above her head before unbuckling her seatbelt and climbing out of the car. She saw that Brian had grabbed her bags already, but when she went to take one, he shook his head.

"Just head on inside, sleepyhead. All I ask is you keep the door open, and then take one before we go up the stairs," he said, smiling a bit.

"Just let me take one now, Bri. It's so much easier!"

He looked at her with an arched brow, but handed one of her bags over to her. When she took it, he made sure to walk ahead of her so he could grab the door and hold it open for her. He came inside only after she did, and together, they made their way up the stairs to the third floor.

"All right, here we are. Home sweet home," Brian muttered, reaching forward to open the door. He ushered her inside, kicking the door shut after entering behind her. He set the bag down next to him, when pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Addy, I'm so sorry about the mess. I asked Rog to clean it up before I left —" Brian muttered as he looked around. The whole place looked like a tornado had blown through. There were empty dishes littered throughout the residence, clothes on the floor, the radio was blaring, and the faint smell of cigarettes mixed with cheap beer filled the air.

"Bri, it's fine, really."

"No, Addy, it isn't. I asked him to get it done, because now you have nowhere to sleep," he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Brian...." Adeline went to set a hand on his arm, but he was quick to lift her bag back up, and march towards the bedrooms. She hoisted her bag up as well, then followed him to the farthest, and neatest, room.

"You're spending the night with me. We can fix everything up in the morning," he said, setting her bag down.

"Are...are you sure, Bri? You don't think it'll be weird?" she asked softly.

"Not at all. I'll go clean up a bit while you change, yeah? Come get me when you're done." And with that, Brian left the room, muttering to himself as he shut the door behind him.

Adeline was quick to dig through her bag in search of her pajamas, then changed into them with a soft hum. She then managed to find her toothbrush and hairbrush in her bag, so she crept out of the room and into the little bathroom across from Brian's room. She could hear movement in the room nearest her, but she paid it no mind as she brushed her teeth.

"Addy? You still changing?" Brian asked from the living room.

Adeline stepped out of the bathroom, holding her things to her chest. "Nope. I'm right here." She walked to him with a smile, and with little warning, she was lifted up into his arms and off of the ground.

"Bri! What're you doing?" she laughed, wrapping her legs around his waist.

"I'm just glad I get to see you in person again. I've missed you, you know," he said, grinning up at her.

"I've missed you, too, Bri." She leaned down a bit to hug him, resting her head on his shoulder. Her eyes fluttered shut when she felt him move, and they remained shut when she felt her back hit his bed. A yawn escaped her lips as she listened to Brian move around the room, then finally settle down beside her.

"Sleep tight, Addy. I'll see you in the morning," he whispered, pulling the covers over her.

"See you in the morning, Bri," she whispered back, snuggling under the blankets.

She couldn't see it, but the smile on Brian's face was enough to light up the whole room.

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